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3 Things To Do If Your Partner Gets Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

Being a parent is hard enough without having to worry about the health and welfare of your own partner. So when something unthinkable happens and your partner gets diagnosed with breast cancer, it can feel like the whole world is caving in on you. 

While you might feel scared and sad, you still have a role to play as parent and partner yourself. So to help you in meeting this challenge with strength and grace, here are three things you should do if your partner gets diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Become An Advocate

Getting a cancer diagnosis can cause someone to kind of shut themselves off from the reality of the world for a while. In this type of situation, your partner might not be making the wisest decisions about their own care. If you notice something like this happening, you should be prepared to become an advocate for your partner in helping them get the care they need.

According to Pam Stephan, a contributor to Very Well Health, your role as an advocate means that you’re able to communicate with the hospital or other care facilities, work with the doctors or nurses to get your partner what is needed, and ensure that you’re given answers and options that are best suited for your partner. In some instances, your partner might feel more comfortable doing this on their own. But when the fatigue and pressure of their diagnosis wears on them, you should be ready to fill in. 

Prepare To Provide Emotional Support

Not only does cancer take a huge toll on the physical health of your partner, but it can also be emotionally exhausting. And while you might be prepared for doing more physical caretaking for your partner and family, you should also be ready to provide some emotional support as well. 

When emotionally supporting your partner, Cathy Cassata, a contributor to Healthline.com, advises that you try to stay strong and steady when dealing with your partner or your children throughout this time. Their emotions will likely be all over the place—as will yours. But by having someone they can talk to about anything, they’ll have the emotional support they need to make it through. 

Find Someone You Can Talk To

While you’re trying to stay strong, steady, and helpful to your partner and family throughout this time, it’s important that you’re also able to find someone who can help you cope with what’s going on as well.

To help you with this, BreastCancerCare.org.uk suggests that you find someone you can talk to when you need some support yourself. This could be a family member, a friend, a therapist, or someone you meet through the breast cancer community. 

If you’re a parent and partner who’s had your partner get diagnosed with breast cancer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you know what steps to take next.