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5 Hacks To Living An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Believe it or not, experts expect the world population to reach 9 billion by 2050. That's a huge number, and it means taking better care of the planet to keep it a healthy place to live for your family. Fortunately, you can help protect the planet, do the right thing, and feel good about doing it all at once.

How? By living more eco-friendly.

Read on to learn 5 tips to living an eco-friendly lifestyle.

1. Get a Reusable Water Bottle

Part of living a sustainable lifestyle means no longer using non-reusable plastics. This is because plastic accounts for over 14.5 million tons of waste every year. Non-reusable plastics you can stop using include grocery bags, plastic silverware, ziplock bags, and straws.

If you're not ready to give up plastic yet, start small by buying a reusable water bottle. Plastic bottled water adds up in waste and cost.

2. Eat Less Meat

Living a green lifestyle does mean eating more greens – or at least, eating less meat. Livestock farms are known for generating a large amount of the greenhouse gases affecting the planet.

Eating less meat is better for the environment, but it will also give you more energy. Energy is lost the further it goes down the food chain, so eating meat is actually less efficient for you and your family.

3. Get Into Sustainable Fashion

The fashion industry wastes tons of water to create the clothing we wear and is bad for the environment. This is especially the case with fast fashion.

So, consumers have been turning to eco-friendly fashion options instead. These are often made of organic materials and are made with fewer chemicals. They might be more expensive, but they also last much longer than fast fashion alternatives.

4. Get the Family Into Energy Efficient Practices

Energy-efficient practices you and your family can start practicing include turning off the lights when you're not in the room, keeping air temperatures down and steady, and taking shorter showers. If you often fight over the temperature of the thermostat, settle on a compromise that leans toward it being on less often. You can also come up with incentives to help your kids remember to turn the lights off when they leave a room.

Energy efficiency is a great option because it also lowers your utility bills. If you want to go the extra mile, consider investing in solar energy with Blue Raven Solar panels to save more.

5. Use Your Car Less Often

Cars release large amounts of greenhouse gases, so driving less will help you live more eco-friendly by reducing your CO2 emissions. Not sure how to go about it?

Try carpooling when you have errands to run. You can also bike and walk to nearby locations, benefitting your fitness as well.

Start Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle will allow you to do your part in keeping the planet safe for you and your family. It so happens that a lot of eco-friendly practices will also benefit you and your loved one's health and your bank account. These 5 tips are a great place to start.

If you're a dad looking to improve your life, check out our programs for dads today.