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7 Spontaneous Ways To Show Your Wife Appreciation

7 Spontaneous Ways to Show Your Wife Appreciation

You agreed to be by her side till death do you part. This is a serious vow, and if you’re head-over-heels for your wife, you’ll do anything it takes to show her how much you appreciate her. Marriage, however, is hard. It can become easy for both you and your wife to fall into a regular routine and become comfortable. If this is you, it’s time to spice things up and rekindle the old flame that brought you two together. Below, you’ll find a list of seven spontaneous ways you can show your wife just how much you appreciate her.

1. Plan a date

Do you both come home every day, whip up a quick bite to eat, plop on the couch, then head to bed? While this is perfectly fine to do, you’ll want to switch it up once in a while and go on a romantic date where no phones, TVs, and other distractions are getting between you two. If you really want to go above and beyond, buy her a dress or a nice top and lay it on the bed with a note telling her to meet you at your favorite restaurant. 

2. Buy her flowers

This is a classic, but works every time—buy her flowers. You can order flower delivery to show up at her work or home, or you can go to your local florist and look for flowers that come in her favorite color. That way, every time she wakes up and smells the beautiful blooms you bought her, she’ll always think of you. 

3. Clean up the house

It can be easy for your home to pile up with random socks scattered throughout, dust in every crevice, and unwashed dishes. No one loves cleaning, and it’s a chore that’s on the bottom of your list when you two get home. But, if you have time and your wife is out running errands, grab the vacuum, some paper towels, and cleaning solution and get to work. To make cleaning fun, blast your favorite tunes throughout the house, or listen to a playlist. Before you know it, your home will be sparkling clean, and your wife will be extremely thankful.

4. Give her the day off from the kids

Having children is the ultimate blessing. But taking care of them day in and day out can be exhausting. If your wife is the one tending to most of their needs, give her a break to have a day to herself. Call in sick if you can, or skip one weekend of fishing and let her go out with her friends to shopping while you take your children to the park or movies. This will serve as a great way for her to relax and unwind, and an opportunity for you to bond with your children.

5. Go on a weekend getaway

Whether it’s a staycation or a several hour drive away, a weekend getaway is a perfect opportunity for you and your wife to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company. A weekend getaway doesn’t have to be expensive, either. There are plenty of cheap listings in sites like Airbnb, and if you use a credit card with travel points, you may be able to pay for a hotel with your accumulated points. Whether it’s a weekend trip to the beach or mountains, you can never go wrong with a quick weekend excursion.

6. Surprise her at work

At work, your wife probably talks about you nonstop. However, sometimes you may never have the opportunity to meet the coworkers she spends 40 hours a week with because you’re at work as well. If you have the chance to take an extended lunch break, pop up to her office and say hello and bring a bite to eat. She’ll surely love to show you off to all of her coworkers and give a rundown of her daily routine at work.

7. Make her breakfast

Mornings can be hectic, especially if you have lunches to pack for the kids, clothes to iron, and a congested commute to get through. If you want to show your wife how much you appreciate her, hit the hay early and wake up early to prepare a scrumptious breakfast. Pancakes and French toast are both quick and simple recipes you can try. Pair it with some fruit and a glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee, and her day will be made!

The Bottom Line

Showing your wife how much you appreciate her doesn’t have to take up a lot of time or cost an arm and a leg. Simple gestures that are out of the ordinary will go a long way. From buying her flowers to taking her out to lunch or dinner, these ideas are all great ways to express your love and make your wife happy.