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A Middle-Aged Man’s Guide to Staying Fit and Feeling Young

Besides the tourist attraction in Florida, which is said to have been discovered by Ponce de León in the year 1513, there is no Fountain of Youth. At least that we know of yet. The fact that we can’t seem to slow aging down is a challenging reality of life, especially for those approaching middle age, but there are a few solid things we can do to trick our bodies (and, in turn, our minds) into thinking we’ve drunk from the waters of this mythical fountain.


1.      Physical Appearance: Hair, Skin, and Apparel

Look young, feel young. It’s sort of like how they say that smiling tricks your brain into feeling happy. Looking younger than you actually are is also a great way to boost your self-esteem as you age, ensuring that fine lines and wrinkles don’t betray you. 

●       Adopt a skincare routine you’ll follow every day. Men and women have differing needs when it comes to skin, so make sure you’re following a straightforward regimen designed just for the guys. Focus on cleansing and moisturizing with age-fighting antioxidants and retinol, which will help regenerate skin and boost collagen production. There are many skincare products out there that promise great results, and so making the right choice can be confusing. Go online and read Beverly Hills MD reviews that will give you helpful tips and advice as to what you should be looking to use for your skin type.

●       Take really good care of your hair. Balding and hair thinning are some of the biggest giveaways of a guy’s age. Address pattern baldness the right way by wearing easy-to-use low-level light therapy devices at home and by shampooing and conditioning with anti-aging hair care products that keep strands long, thick, and luscious.

●       Dress with pizazz and pay attention to trends. Try to straddle the line between appropriately youthful and “How do you do, fellow kids?” This can be achieved by buying more youthful pieces from your go-to retailers. Just because you’re over 40 doesn’t mean you can’t wear hoodies and sneakers (in fact, you really should).

●       Stay manicured. You know how when you used to shave your face it made you feel like a teenager? This really works to your advantage in middle age, when you’re trying to look as young as possible. Go without the facial hair or keep it neatly manicured for a simple way to channel your inner youthfulness.


2.      Social Life: Getting Out There and Finding the Fountain of Youth

Socializing is one of the best ways to boost your self-confidence and to feel young again. And that’s not by accident. Studies show that interacting with friends and loved ones boosts oxytocin, which makes you feel happy and wards off depression and anxiety. Anything you can do to get a natural release of happiness hormones will make you feel young, of course! 

●       Join an organized sports league. Bocce ball, ping-pong, board games, and kickball are all games that tend to be played in an organized fashion, through local clubs and leagues. These kinds of leagues tend to center around socialization rather than sport, keeping you occupied on a weekly basis and leading to lifelong friendships.

●       Designate an evening each month to going out with your friends. Parents and workaholics need to make sure they set aside times every month or once every couple of weeks to socialize with their buddies, whether that means meeting out for a drink or two, watching the game, or getting together for a round of role-playing board games.

●       Sign up to volunteer in your area. Not only will this boost your happiness purely for the socialization factor, but it will also make you feel good about yourself and the world because you’re spending your free time selflessly helping others.

3.      Health: Feeling Young from the Inside Out

When it comes to looking and feeling young, the third major piece of the puzzle is physical health and well-being. Sore, achy muscles and perpetual fatigue will keep you from exercising, socializing, and getting day-to-day tasks done in the way you once could, which will make you feel older than you are. 

●       Take a few daily supplements. Unfortunately, as we grow older, our core bodily functions weaken or don’t work as well as they once did. Taking a daily multivitamin, as well as a probiotic supplement, can help make up for what our bodies begin to lack.

●       Switch up your diet. Your blood pressure is naturally rising, your muscles are weakening, and your bones are starting to get brittle. These things can be addressed by eating a range of healthy supportive foods. Those who are in middle age should eat more vitamin B12, which helps produce blood cells and improves cognition, as well as potassium and calcium. Try to cut back on the sodium and keep your alcohol and sweets intakes to a minimum.

●       Get an annual physical. If only for the peace of mind, you should schedule a physical each year with your primary care physician. During a physical, your doc will check your blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, temperature, and other factors. He or she will then recommend maintenance drugs or lifestyle changes to keep you healthy.

●       Go on vacation or take a break from work every couple of months. Did you know that people who go on vacation live longer than people who don’t? It’s not the packing of the suitcase or the boarding of the flight that does it, though. It’s the natural stress relief factor, which helps reduce your risk for heart disease, obesity, and other conditions.

It All Comes Down to Overall Health

We can’t stop the high-speed train that is life, but we can do a few things to make it feel like it’s slowing down or at least taking a few much-needed pit stops. Looking and feeling young really comes down to simply being healthy as a whole and keeping up with your mental health. Taking care of the body and mind will boost your self-esteem and make you feel like your energetic, youthful self once again.