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Fun Socially Distanced Summer Activities

Summer is right around the corner, and your kids are excited about school letting out. While this is a great time to have some fun in the sun with your family, don’t forget COVID-19 safety guidelines. You can still do some of your favorite summer activities, but they will just look a little different this year.

How to Stay Safe When Going Out

With your kid’s school year coming to an end, you’re probably starting to plan more family outings. Whenever you are out in public, remember to maintain your distance and wear a mask.  

Here are some other safety tips to follow:  

●     Keep 6 feet away from non-household members

●     Make sure kids over the age of 2 wear a mask in crowded areas

●     Limit the number of places you visit and people you interact with daily

●     Take advantage of delivery options

●     Grocery shop only when necessary

●     Stay home if you’re sick

Outdoor Activities Are Better

Gathering outdoors is a safer option than being indoors, which makes summer ideal. COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when people talk, cough or sneeze, and being outside can mitigate the risk of infection.  

Indoor environments cause these droplets to stay in the air for a more extended amount of time. When you are outside, the air is constantly in motion, spreading out the droplets so you are less likely to breathe them in.

7 Socially-Distanced Summer Outdoor Activities to Consider

When spending quality time with your family this summer, consider doing an outdoor activity. Here are some fun, socially distanced things to try.

1.   Take a Family Hike

This is a great way to get your kids to exercise while enjoying nature. You could visit a local park or take a walk around your neighborhood. This activity is safer because you can spread out from one another when traveling along the path or walk in a straight line.

2.   Go Kayaking

This activity allows you to be on the water but still stay socially distant. Your adult family members can use separate kayaks to reduce close contact. Since everyone is kayaking at different speeds and locations, this activity also keeps you apart from those around you.

3.   Have a Picnic

Picnics are a fun way to bond with your family while changing up the scenery. You can pack a lunch from home with all your kid’s favorite snacks or buy takeout from your favorite local restaurant. Once you’re finished eating, your family can throw around a frisbee or kick a soccer ball.

4.   Visit an Outdoor Farmers Market

Farmers markets allow you to check out the fresh produce from local vendors. This is a good outdoor activity because the stands are spread out from one another. To minimize your exposure to crowds, be sure to wear your mask and reduce the amount of time spent at each stall.

5.   Watch a Drive-in Movie

Drive-in movies are becoming more popular since the emergence of COVID-19. This is an excellent option for when your kids are getting bored at home. Outdoor films provide the cinematic experience while keeping you distanced from others. 

Another option is to use a projector and screen to display a movie outside in your backyard. Having an outdoor screen allows your children to socialize with friends while maintaining social distance guidelines. This is perfect for small-sized events, such as birthday parties. 

6.   Try Outdoor Dining

Outdoor dining is a safer way to enjoy a meal out with your family. The fresh air and spaced-out tables reduce your risk of exposure. However, it is still essential that you wear a mask when you are not eating and check to ensure the restaurant follows safety guidelines before dining.  

Here are some other things to keep in mind when dining out: 

●     Limit the amount of alcohol you consume: You want to make sure you are alert enough to be making intelligent decisions.  

●     Sanitize your hands before and after you enter the restaurant: This will lower your exposure to germs left on table surfaces and door handles. 

●     Ask for individual condiment packets: The waiters may have missed cleaning the condiment containers when clearing off the table. 

●     Minimize the amount of time you stay: You want to enjoy a nice meal, but make sure you leave once your family has finished eating to lower your risk of exposure.

7. Head to a Campsite

This activity is low risk if you go with just your immediate family. When you are camping, you are usually in secluded areas minimizing the number of people you come in contact with.  

However, if you go with non-family members, be sure to maintain your distance and wear a mask. It is also a good idea for everyone to use their own supplies. Camping lends itself well to distanced activities, such as hikes and swimming.

Have Fun at a Distance  

Summer is a chance to relax and bond with your family. COVID-19 may have made that more challenging, but there are still ways to enjoy it. Outdoor activities, such as hiking or kayaking, are great ways to soak up that summer sun safely and make memories you kids will cherish.