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The Importance Of Parenting For Literacy Rates In America

According to recent research, the United States lags sadly behind in many areas. One of the most troubling areas the USA lags in is in literacy rates. For any major developed nation, let alone one of the wealthiest, the US absolutely needs to attack plummeting literacy rates if prosperity for working people ever hopes to return and if the US is going to continue to be a major player on the world stage.

The Sad Facts About Literacy

According to one report, 47 percent of adults in the Detroit area alone are functionally illiterate. This means they encounter difficulty with simple tasks, such as reading the recipe on a can of food or can't figure out the steps to assemble furniture.

This lack of literacy should alarm everyone. Because adults who are functionally illiterate cannot possibly adequately prepare their own children for success. While only 53 percent of children are read to between the ages of three to five, those children are also most likely to be able to count to 20 by the time they reach kindergarten and additionally can write their own names and at least pretend to read from books they have previously memorized.

Children of illiterate parents face additional challenges even before they enter school for the first tie.

Literacy and Life Skills

The advantage children who have been read to while young possess doesn't disappear when reading time ends. Reading teaches children essential life skills in addition to providing entertainment and education. If you've ever watched your child interact with a picture book, you can witness the learning process in action. Children instinctively want to create order in their worlds. One way to create this order is by telling a story about the pictures they see in books. Children then extend these "lessons' into their interactions with others. This can help them learn valuable life skills, such as the importance of sharing or the importance of being fair to other children.

The Role of Libraries in Literacy

Libraries remain an invaluable tool for literacy. Many libraries have in-house literacy programs for both adults and children alike. Through these programs, students can learn independently or with their parents on building their literacy skills. This is borne out by science: in areas where few libraries are available, literacy rates are remarkably lower. In addition, scholastic test scores show a marked improvement in areas where many libraries are available. Clearly, making libraries a bulwark of city planning can increase overall literacy. People without internet access at home can also utilize libraries for online job searches and other computer-related tasks.

Overcoming and Succeeding

When parents remain illiterate, it can be difficult for their children to get the help they need in order to reach their own academic success. In such cases, it may be a good idea to bring in a literacy mentor or coach to train their child to read. Increased literacy will certainly assist a child in performing better in school.

But literacy is for adults, too. Increased literacy skills may lead to career advancement and higher pay levels. Parents who are functionally illiterate should make every effort to educate themselves, not only to help their children but to help themselves, also.

In a rapidly changing world, literacy has never been more important. By increasing literacy both among adults and among children, we create a ladder which future generations can climb to the clouds.