Every Thing For Dads

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The Online World Can Be A Nightmare For Dads

(Image: iStock)

It’s fair to say that the internet is supposed to make life easier. That’s what everyone claims, anyway. We work online now, we date online now, we buy, we do everything and it’s meant to be a piece of cake. That’s not true for dads though.

There are some things online that just make life a lot more difficult. In fact for dads, the internet can be a nightmare and here are the worst examples of this.

Online Security

(Image: Pexels)

Who hates online security? Dads do because there’s so much information we now store online that we have to keep track of. Everything from bank bills to holiday details and goodness knows what else are probably kept on a file on your computer. There’s no way to avoid it. Not when almost every major business now depends you have at least one form of online payment available.

The good news is that if you are setup to operate online, it does make things a lot easier. You can check your balance, make payments and pay the bills. But you’re only going to be comfortable doing this if you have the security in place. The big problem is passwords. You should have different ones for each account, complicated enough that they can’t be hacked and you still need to remember them. If anyone figures out how to deal with this issue, do let us know.

Online Safety

(Image: Pexels)

Of course for a dad one of the biggest problems is online safety for the kids. How scary is it to know that your kids can be talking to strangers online without even realising it. Did you know that an alarming number of people on Tinder are underage? It’s true and that’s a worrying fact for parents of teenage girls, isn’t it? So what can you do?

Well, you can teach them about online safety and block as many sites as you can. But at a certain point you just have to trust them not to do anything dangerous. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that it’s impossible to protect your kids from all the dangers online.

Online Purchases

(Image: Pexels)

Oh good grief, is there anything worse than buying tickets to a concert or event online? I don’t think so. Sometimes, you can be in the middle of purchasing tickets when suddenly, someone else takes them instead? How is that possible? Of course, you can get around this by using a company like The Ticket Merchant.

They make buying tickets easy and ensure you can get the tickets to the events your kids want to go to. But, there are other sites where it’s just a mad house. Let’s not even talk about resales where the prices can be absolutely crazy.

Online Popups

(Image: Pexels)

Although if we’re going for the biggest grievance dads have with the online world it’s popups. These have gotten to a point where some sites online are inaccessible. It’s crazy and it’s getting worse. You can go online for one thing and within five minutes you’re in a completely different section of the web. For this reason alone, the internet isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

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