4 Benefits Of Playtime As An Adult

Taking a little time to blow off some steam and enjoy ourselves is critical to many of our body’s systems. It helps keep us a little less frustrated and also regulates our moods better and also gives us time to enjoy ourselves a little bit. This is true no matter what the “playtime” activity might be for you personally. It could be basketball or volleyball at the local gym or a visit to the batting cages if you’re looking for something a bit more physically involved. You might also consider just sitting at home playing with your kids or chasing them around the yard.

Whatever your favorite playtime activity might be, it offers you more benefits and valuable health perks than you are probably even aware of. Here are four specific ones that we would like to take a look at that are especially valuable: 

It Keeps You Active

There are so many things that begin to happen as the body ages. While we are young and in our prime, we feel like we are constantly ascending as far as strength and stamina go. But very quickly, often before we even realize it, we have turned a corner and need to start thinking about things like healthy eating and regular exercise. This is what helps you avoid needing orthopedics when you are older: your physical activities will help keep your bones strong and healthy.  

It Makes for a Sharp and Curious Mind

Numerous studies have shown the link between exercise and physical activity and the brain. Mental vigor and intellectual capacity tend to grow and maintain themselves better in those who take the time for a little bit of activity on a regular basis. This can be something as simple and low-key as playing with your dog in the park. 

It Keeps You Happy

People who spend some time with any type of physically active hobby or fitness interest tend to be much happier and fulfilled. Things like dancing, cycling, horseback riding, or even bowling or pool are all things that get you out of the house, moving around and interacting with other people, and enjoying yourself. All of these contribute the final benefit on our list: 

It is Good for Your Mental and Emotional Health

For many of the reasons listed in the previous point such as being out of the house and interacting with friends and strangers, active hobbies can greatly improve overall mental health. Having regular activities that you enjoy, as well as spending time around other people, can have a significantly positive impact on those struggling with depression.  

Leaving the house regularly can help people who are susceptible to developing agoraphobia if they don’t get out enough. Being around crowds and in public places participating in something that they enjoy can help people who suffer from social anxieties. For people who have even more severe issues such as PTSD, these types of activities can be a great stress reliever. Even something as simple as hitting golf balls or shooting free throws at the park can make a difference.