4 Tips For Adjusting To A Healthy Sleeping Routine As A Family

Getting a good nights’ sleep is just as important for your family as eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of physical activity. Getting enough deep, refreshing sleep at night will leave you all ready to tackle the following day, and contribute to your overall physical and mental health. Adopting a healthier sleeping pattern isn’t always easy, however, and it’s something that you’ll need to stick at for some time before it finally becomes a habit for all of you. We’ve put together some top tips to help you and your family enjoy a healthier, and more fulfilling night’s sleep every night.

#1. Deal with Snoring:

Snoring might not be much of a problem for the person who is doing it, but when you’re sharing a room with a snorer, it can wreak havoc with your own sleep routine. Whether it’s your partner or a child’s sibling who they are sharing a room with, somebody snoring close to you when you are trying to sleep can keep you up all night and be extremely frustrating. If you have a snorer in the family, tackling this issue first will make sure that everybody is getting the peace and quiet that they need to enjoy a refreshing nights’ sleep. An unusual sleeping hack is to use tape to prevent mouth breathing that can lead to snoring; this is both safe and comfortable to sleep in for the user, too.

#2. Have Set Bedtimes:

One of the best things that anybody can do to get into a healthier sleeping routine is to have set bedtimes,  and try to get up at the same time each day, too. We all like to enjoy a lie-in on the weekend, but this can wreak havoc with your body’s natural routine, so it’s easier to just try to sleep and get up at the same time every day as often as you all can. Eventually, your body will get used to this routine that you have set for it and falling asleep and waking up at the same time will become a natural habit for you.

#3. Wind Down Before Bed:

Using technology and focusing on something too close to bedtime can keep you up for hours, so making sure that everybody is winding down before bed is a great way to help everybody get into a healthier sleeping pattern. At least an hour before bedtime, make it a rule in your family for everybody to put their smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices away and do something relaxing like taking a bath, reading a book or listening to soft music.

#4. Make Your Bedrooms Sleep-Friendly:

Finally, a sleep-friendly bedroom can make all the difference when it comes to getting a better night’s sleep and seriously improving your sleeping pattern. The first step is to go about decluttering the bedrooms in your home and making them a spacious and relaxing place to be. Your bedrooms should be a sleep sanctuary, so it’s worth getting smart storage solutions and having everything in its’ place, so that clutter isn’t distracting you from going to sleep. The colors in your bedroom can also make a bigger difference than you might realize! Soft colors like blue, lilac and yellow can actually help you feel more relaxed and positive or opt for darker colors and blackout curtains to make your bedroom even darker at night and help you sleep. And finally, relaxing essential oils like lavender and chamomile can be useful for helping you wind down at night, plus houseplants which will purify and remove toxins from the air you breathe.

When it comes to improving your health and wellness as a family, adopting a healthier sleeping pattern is a great step.