6 Sustainability Tips When Working From Home

Last year was not easy, and it seems this one won’t be simple either. Since you are no longer commuting to work, and have started working from home, new stressors and challenges have been added to your life that you hadn’t prepared for. Plus, add on trying to be the best dad possible and teaching your kiddos life lessons, like sustainability. We know how overwhelming it feels, but don’t worry, we are here for you. We have a few ideas to make sure you are living a sustainable, calm, work-from-home life. Alright, let’s get started!


1.     Use natural lighting 

Instead of turning on all the lights in your home to achieve that natural lighting look on all your video business meetings, we suggest cracking open the blinds and using natural light. It will help you to feel more awake, relaxed, and at peace on even the most stressful of calls. Plus, it will cut down on your electricity bill, immensely. If office rearranging is necessary to accomplish this task, we encourage you to do so. You will be so glad you did!


2.     Upgrade your power system 

It is apparent that you are going to be spending quite a bit more time at home this year, especially since it is now your office, gym, school, and restaurant. So, if you haven’t made the plunge to solar power for home living yet, the time is now! If the price tag scares you, know that financing options are available, and throughout your solar panels’ life, you could possibly save close to $1,000+ a year in power bills.

3.     Work outside 

If you are able to be mobile, we suggest trying to work outside a few hours a day! This will reduce all of your in-home energy consumption, and will recharge your personal batteries as well. If you can’t do that every day, pick one day a week to take your set up outside. Of course, this one is weather permitting, but it is one that will really give you a fresh perspective on your workday and will cut down on your power bills as well.

 4.     Be an outfit repeater 

By repeating your coziest of outfits, you are using less water and power to wash your clothes. Since no one sees you anymore and you aren’t getting your clothes dirty by being out and about, this one is super easy to accomplish. Plus, if you find a comfortable set of loungewear, you won’t want to change out of them either. If you have to be on video calls, stay comfy on the bottom, and just change your top. No one will know just how comfy you are, or just how sustainable you are being!


5.     Use only reusable kitchen items 

Are you the type of person that uses paper plates and red plastic cups on a daily basis for your meals? If you answered yes, we don’t fault you for that, less dishes, right? But we do think it is time for you to use your ceramic dishes and glasses to eat while at home. If you are nervous about using finer china on a daily basis, invest a few bucks into getting a more inexpensive, simple set.


6.     Cook in bulk 

By cooking a few meals in bulk, you are cutting down on dishes that need to be washed, your gas or electricity consumption necessary to cook, and food waste. Take some time on Sunday to meal prep your lunches and snacks for the whole week. It won’t be simple to accomplish the first couple of weeks, but once you get the hang of it, you will be the meal prep master! 

As you can see, even the smallest of steps will help you get closer to your sustainability goals. Which one are you going to conquer first?