7 Activities You Can Do With Your Kids on a Rainy Day

Okay dads, you’ve managed to carve some time out of your busy schedule and you have a whole slew of activities planned for you and your kids, just have all of your ideas rained out at the last minute. What can you do?

Well instead of calling it a wash, take a look at our handy rainy day guide to make sure you can still have a fun and relationship building day.

1. Create Stories Together

While not every dad needs to be Stephen King when it comes to writing, this activity can still be a lot of fun, because your kids won’t care if you use alliteration or not! Once the rain starts coming down, get the kids together and start putting together a tale. It’s up to you on how you want to formulate this, but some ideas are for someone to choose the names of the main characters, the other to choose the scene, you choose the story hook and so on. Once you have all of the ideas in place, it’s time to start crafting a story, with everyone adding one sentence to the story. The best part is when your kids start using their imagination and the story starts getting crazy!

2. Craft Origami

Folding paper in a lot of different directions and in a certain algorithm may seem difficult at first glance but it is very rewarding for you and your kids. One of the main benefits is that they learn that they have the ability to make something complex. Other benefits include developing sequencing skills, eye-hand coordination, attention skills, and patience. One of the best reasons to do this activity on a rainy day is because all you need is a piece of paper (and maybe an instruction video if you need to learn too). Another added benefit is that you can see something tangible that your kids have learned from you.

3. Watch Classic Movies 

There are some things that are timeless and can be easily forgotten. An old-but-gold classic movie is one of them. Curling up on the sofa, your kids legs akimbo, everyone reaching into a bowl of popcorn on a rainy day is one of the most fun things to do for sure! Watch a classic movie with your children, such as The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, or as much as this hurts me to say, you can watch a modern classic like the Goonies, Labyrinth, or the Neverending Story. 

4. Board Games 

There is something about board games that automatically make them a staple of the rainy day activities. While there are of course the classics such as Monopoly, Scrabble or Jenga you’ve most likely played these games to death. However, since today is an opportunity to further increase your bonds, you may try a newer game that focuses on helping to understand each other as well as ourselves. Feelings Bingo is a game that will help your kids learn to identify their emotions and be able to read yours better. Playing games together is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build a healthy relationship with your kids. Whether or not you let them win sometimes is up to you though.

5. Cook Something Easy

One of the best things you can do as a father is to get you children introduced to household activities early on in life. When the rain is pouring why not take this time to prep them for something that will last them a lifetime? Putting together a simple meal (even if it’s just PB&J) helps a child develop a feeling of accomplishment leading to an increase in self-confidence. Also, children yearn to do something for their parents. So long as what they’ve made was made with real ingredients and cooked if necessary, try it and tell them they did a good job!

6. Make a Reading Nook in Your House

Reading is one of the most recommended past-times. It’s never too early to introduce your kids to the written word, and a rainy day is the best time to carve out that special spot in the house for a quiet reading space. IT doesn’t have to be a complex carpentry job, it can be as simple as finding a corner and loading it up with a lot of pillows, some stuffed animals and a mound of books.  Having a space specifically for reading will also keep them engaged for longer. While reading is generally done alone, if you make time to read yourself, your kids will curl up into their nook and emulate you, with everyone benefiting in the end.

7. Indoor Treasure Hunt

This is probably the most labor intensive but conversely the most fun your kids will have on a rainy day. By hiding a treasure (either candy or a gold bar depending on your situation) and placing a few simple hints around the house, you can keep your kids busy for hours. You can find a multitude of ideas online with a simple search if you’re having a hard time coming up with a sequence. The effort will be worth it as the excitement of finding treasure is the pinnacle of fun for children of all ages!

About The Author

Amy Petrou is a content advocate at GenMindful.com, and a mother of two. In her free time you will find her writing on her blog, reading and searching for pottery and paintings to add to her growing collection.