9 Things To Do To Prepare For The School Year

It’s August, which means it’s almost back to school time! After a summer of family fun and vacations, this transition time can be challenging for kids. They’ve had freedom in their schedules and haven’t had to think about math for a few months. However, education is an integral part of their lives and development. 

This year might look a bit different, again, depending on your school’s regulations regarding COVID-19. Whether your child is heading back to school in person or online, you need to help them get ready for the year ahead. Here are nine things to do to prepare for the school year so your child will be ready to learn on day one!

1. Get Your Kids Back Into a Routine 

Schools often have schedules and routines for their students. During the summer, your typical school routine usually fades, which is entirely normal. However, a few weeks before school starts, slowly get your kids back on track. Wake them up at the time they’ll need to be up to get ready for school, feed them lunch at the same time every day, and designate screen-free time during the day. Additionally, put them to bed at a reasonable time.

2. Shop for School Supplies 

Next, stock up on school supplies. Gather a list of items, whether it’s from your child’s teacher or things your child knows they will need and head to the store. Bring your child with you. This will help get them excited for the new year. Plus, they’ll have fun picking out folders, notebooks, pencils and a backpack, as well as some new clothes.

3. Make Sure Your Teen’s Car Is Well-Maintained 

For those of you who have teenage drivers, make sure their vehicle is well-maintained for the upcoming school year. Unless your teenager has a passion for vehicles, they likely don’t take care of their own insurance, oil changes, tire rotations and registrations on their own. Keep your drivers safe this school year by checking up on these vehicle matters before school starts so they can get to classes, practices and home safely.

4. Create a Homework Station 

Does your child have a homework station at home? While it’s not a necessary step to prepare for school this year, it is helpful for your kids. Setting aside a space in your home that’s free of distractions and focused on learning will help your child power through their homework when they return home from school. Add a desk, a few pencils, a light source and a chair. This can also double as a school space if they’re online this year.

5. Understand COVID-19 Regulations for Your Child’s School 

Every school will likely have slightly different rules and regulations regarding COVID-19 and classes this year. Make sure you know ahead of time whether your child will be attending in person, online or have a hybrid schedule. Additionally, check mask requirements and your school’s policy on vaccines. Keeping everyone safe and healthy is the goal for many educational institutes this year!

6. Start a School Countdown to Get Them Excited 

While the end of summer can be sad for some kids, you can get them excited about going back to school with a countdown. During the countdown, offer your child some small gifts to get them ready for the school year, like a new pencil case, some school celebration cupcakes or that new shirt they’ve been wanting. Education is fun, so get them excited about learning!

7. Socialize Your Children 

With the pandemic going on this past year and a half, children haven’t been able to socialize with one another as much. Perhaps this past summer, your kids have been able to spend some time with their friends. If so, that’s great! Once they’re back in the classroom, they’ll be interacting with other kids on a daily basis. Get your kids used to more interactions. Hold small playdates before school starts as long as you feel comfortable with it.

8. Get Them Into Learning Mode 

Get your kids into learning mode to prepare for the school year. Read some books every night or challenge them to complete math problems. You can also spend time playing educational board games with them, like Monopoly, Memory or any other game that requires some thought. For added learning, head outside for a walk and have your child count trees, search for birds and learn about the environment.

9. Eat Healthy Foods 

Finally, prepare for the new school year by making healthy meals and snacks for you and your kids. A healthy diet keeps kids full and focused. It gives them energy and the nutrition they need to grow and develop. Continue to make healthy lunches for your children once school starts, too. This sets them up for success in the future.

It’s Time to Learn 

With these tips, your kids will be ready to get back into the classroom and the books. Education is one of the most important things for a child, so prepare them for what this school year will bring.