A Comprehensive Checklist For Everything You Need In A Baby Nursery

Being a parent is tough and being a new parent is even tougher. You want to give your child the best start in the world, and what better way to start than with a nursery. But with so many options available, it can make selecting the right gender neutral moon and stars nursery essentials for your baby quite challenging. There are so many different options, and you want to make sure you select the right nursery essentials. To ensure you have what you need to take care of your little bundle of joy, we’ve put together a list of the top 5 baby nursery essentials most important for your new arrival.


A crib is where your baby will sleep. Be sure to get a crib with strong wood and a safe design. If you plan on having more than one child, consider getting a convertible crib so that you can use it for years to come. The best cribs have adjustable mattress heights to lower as your child grows and learns to stand up and climb out of the crib.

Wall Art and Decorations

A baby’s room should be a place that makes you smile whenever you see it. You can transform your nursery into a work of art with inspirational wall decals or whimsical wall hangings. Choose from various color schemes, themes, and patterns to create a beautiful space for your new bundle of joy.

Changing Table

A baby’s room should be a place that makes you smile whenever you see it. You can transform your baby’s room into a work of art with inspirational wall decals or whimsical wall hangings. Choose from various color schemes, themes, and patterns to create a beautiful space for your new bundle of joy. And you can also choose gender neutral moon and stars nursery for both baby girl and boy.

Baby Monitor

You’ll want to hear and see your baby while you’re on the other side of the house. There are a lot of high-tech monitors on the market these days, but all you need is a simple monitor that lets you hear when your little one wakes up. Some parents like to have video monitors to see their babies while sleeping. A video monitor isn’t necessary unless you’re having a hard time hearing or seeing well enough.

Rocking Chair

A rocking chair is one of the best ways to bond with your newborn. The gentle rocking motion helps soothe the child and lull them to sleep. While your baby is still in a baby swing, this is a great way to enjoy some quality time while they rest before hitting their next growth spurt. Look for a chair with a cushioned seat, backrest, and a smooth rocker base that won’t get stuck on the floor.

Bottom Line

It’s important to note that every baby is different. What works for one baby may not work for another. Just keep that in mind as you browse through the list. Also, remember that your baby’s gender neutral moon and stars nursery will be quite an investment, so be sure to replace items as they become inappropriate in size or are worn out or damaged. If you take notice of these 5 items, though, it may just save you money and stress while preparing your nursery.