Five Hobbies That Are Perfect For Dads

Your life changes when you have kids. Although children can enhance your life in many ways, it’s also normal for parents to realize that they no longer do anything for themselves as they are always caring for the family.

It’s important to make time for you, and one great way to do that as a dad is to take up a hobby!

There are a lot of great hobbies that also enable you to do things for others and your family, like woodworking and landscaping, but that’s not what this list is about. Instead, the ideas on this list allow you to get away for a minute and do something that’s all about you.

Ride a Motorcycle

It’s healthy to want to get away every once in a while. It’s even good for you to take some time away so you can return to your family feeling happy, renewed, and refreshed. One fun way to do that is to ride a motorcycle!

Hitting the open road and feeling the wind whip through your hair can be very invigorating. It’s a great activity if you want to spend a little time alone, but it’s also a great activity if you want to spend time with others. Many riders like to ride in groups.

Just make sure you take the time to learn how to ride properly, get the right license, and gear up appropriately. Motorcyclists account for 14% of all crash-related fatalities, so it’s important to do whatever you can to stay safe as you enjoy riding a motorcycle.

Play a Sport

If you’re looking for a way to be a bit more active, consider playing a sport. This is an especially good idea if you used to play a sport in high school or college, but you haven’t been able to play for years. However, it’s also a great way to meet new people and get some exercise, so you may want to consider playing a sport even if you have never played before.

You don’t necessarily have to shoot hoops or play racket ball by yourself. You can find many recreational sports groups across the country that meet up to play everything from volleyball to dodgeball and soccer to pickleball.

Collect Something

If you’re looking for something a little less dangerous and a little less physically demanding, start a collection.

Collecting for men isn’t all about stamps and miniature trains. You can collect nearly anything! If you love music, consider collecting old vinyl, art is a great idea if you want to collect items that could increase in value over time, and if you’re into manly things, consider collecting cigar boxes or smoking pipes.

Just keep in mind that collecting often isn’t about the items themselves. Instead, it’s about the thrill of the hunt and having a reason to get out of the house and scour yard sales, vintage shops, and antique stores to find the perfect addition to your collection.

Play an Instrument

If you have played an instrument in the past, it’s a great idea to pick it back up to pass the time. This is a great hobby because it’s something you can do when you only have a few minutes, and after your initial investment, it’s something you can do without spending any money.

If you’re more interested in learning to play something new, start with an instrument that’s relatively easy to play. A few instruments you can pick up pretty quickly include:

·         Keyboard

·         Recorder

·         Drums

·         Guitar

Brew Some Beer

Brewing your own beer is a great way to have a hobby that’s all your own, since kids and teens aren’t legally old enough to partake in what you’ve brewed. Instead, it gives you the chance to try fun home brewing techniques, use flavors you like best, and it’s a great way to stay social. Once you have brewed a new batch of beer, you can invite friends over to give it a try.

If you get good enough, you may even be able to turn your hobby into a lucrative business. Get an alcohol license and you could sell beer to friends, neighbors, and even supply your recipes to events in your area, like weddings.

Don’t get stuck going to work all day and doing chores at home, only getting your first minute of alone time when it’s time to go to bed. Carve out some time for you by giving one of these manly hobbies a try.