How To Prepare for Fatherhood: The Essential Checklist

Over 61% of American men are fathers, which proves how many have begun the journey to fatherhood. 

Raising a child requires teamwork, so it’s important to help the mother, especially in the early days. Perhaps you’re about to prepare for fatherhood, but you’re unsure where to start. Sound familiar? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Prep the Nursery

It’s important to prepare the nursery way before the arrival of a baby.

Not only can you fantasize about your child playing here, but it lets you decorate the room, choose the furniture, and decide if the baby sleeps in the nursery or with you. If your child sleeps in your room, make sure there’s enough space for a crib so you can monitor his/her sleeping.

Learn How to Carry Your Newborn

Every dad-to-be dreams about the first time he holds his baby. Hone your holding and swaddling skills by learning the different ways to hold your little one and safe swaddling techniques. 

Plus, you’ll need equipment to carry your newborn when you’re out. If you're interested, you can buy baby carriers here.

Agree on Divisions of Labor 

When caring for a newborn, you must divide labor in the early weeks to prevent chaos. Parents should decide who is changing diapers, tackling housework, and getting up at night for feedings (if using a bottle). 

Both parents must get enough sleep and maintain a clean environment for their child.

Learn How to Feed Your Newborn

New fathers must get involved in the feeding process, even if their child is breastfeeding. Learn about how it works, prepare for potential issues, and make sure the mother is comfortable throughout. And if you’re using the formula, learn the basics so you can take over. 

Note a newborn’s stomach is the size of a marble in the first days but, by day 10, it grows to the size of a large egg so consider this. Your baby should seem content after feeding, but if they’re fussy, then burp or feed them again.

Learn About Diapers

The less glamorous side of becoming a new dad is diapers. Learn how to change them and know that the number of diapers used varies depending on whether they’re breastfed or formula-fed. 

Remember to pack diapers, wipes, a change of clothing, and a burp rag when you’re out, so your baby is comfortable even after an accident.

That's How to Prepare for Fatherhood

Now you know how to prepare for fatherhood. 

Work as a team with the mother, know how to change diapers, and learn about the feeding process so you can help out. Although it’s daunting, once you bond with your newborn, then you’ll fall into the rhythm of fatherhood. Good luck!

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