Late Night Binge Eating: Why Do You Do It?

As fall approaches and the evenings grow longer, when I've been speaking to busy people, I've noticed a common health issue topic keeps coming up that many of you might relate to: late-night binge eating.

Late-night eating could trigger weight gain, which in turn can lead to obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome (a group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke) if you make it a habit.

You know those moments when you find yourself snacking uncontrollably after a long stressful day? Been there, done that!

So, let's talk about why we do it and, most importantly, how to stop it!

Picture this: It's 9:30 pm, you're cozy on the couch, Netflix is on, and suddenly, you're surrounded by your favorite chips, beer, wine soda, pizza and ice cream.

Sounds perfect, right? Maybe in the moment it does...

...but inside you feel out of control, frustrated, and guilty because you can't stop. You've had a great day of healthy choices, but at night, those negative snacking habits take over.

The following morning you feel pretty gross, lethargic and bloated after your late-night binge...and you have the daunting thought that you'll have to regain control all over again to try and break the cycle.

Why does this happen? Why do we struggle to maintain our discipline after dinner?

It's a common issue, and I've been hearing about it a lot from the busy people that I work with. The vicious cycle of late-night snacking can be demoralizing, but it's essential to understand that it's not just about willpower.

Here are some strategies to combat these nightly struggles:

1. Emotional Eating

Most often, late-night binge eating is fueled by emotional eating. It's that deep-down need for comfort food after a long, hard day. We reach for sugary treats and junk food when we feel overwhelmed, stressed, or lonely. The key is to find fulfillment elsewhere instead of relying on food to cope.

Action: Try creating a transition ritual after work, like reading, taking a bath, or listening to your favorite music, to decompress without relying on snacks.

2. Eating Enough During the Day

Surprisingly, not eating enough during the day can trigger late-night cravings. Your body might be looking for quick energy, and that's when the sugar and carbs cravings kick in. It's essential to listen to your hunger cues and not be afraid of calories.

Action: Ensure you have balanced meals throughout the day to keep your energy levels stable and reduce nighttime cravings.

3. Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation can throw your hunger hormones off balance. When you're tired, the hormone leptin (that reduces appetite) decreases, and ghrelin (that stimulates greater appetite) increases. This leads to constant feelings of hunger, even after eating.

Action: Prioritize sleep hygiene and create a calming bedtime routine to ensure you get quality rest.

4. Restrictive Self-Talk

Shaming ourselves about food and body image can lead to restrictive thoughts that backfire. Instead of shaming, focus on positive mantras for weight loss and creating a balanced relationship with food.

Action: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations that promote a healthy mindset.

5. Breaking Associations

Late-night snacking can become a habit. If you associate screen time with snacks, try cutting down on screen activity or keeping your hands busy while watching TV.

Action: Replace screen time snacks with healthier alternatives like veggies and create a new post-dinner routine (go for a walk to help digestion, for example) to break the habit.

Need some more support?

Check out my complimentary guide to Clean Eating

If you're ready to regain control of your eating habits and say goodbye to late-night binge eating, I've got something special for you.

In my complimentary guide to clean eating, I delve deeper into these healthy living strategies that you can sue even with a busy career and home life - I'm a business owning mom of 7 and believe me, living without a healthy lifestyle plan of action and just trying to wing it when your health suffers is no recipe for success.

The Guide gives practical tips to help you stay on track to eat clean to make your health goals achievable. Download it here 👈

Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and there are effective ways to gain the energy and vitality that will become be the only cravings that you need!

Let's take steps towards a healthier, happier life together! Stay connected and do please share this newsletter with anyone you feel would benefit.

Stay healthy and stay inspired!

By Louise McKenzie

Heathy Lifestyle Transformation Coaching I Effortless Clean Eating Program