Look The Part: How To Dress Ready For Everything Fatherhood Can Throw At You

We all know that parenting doesn't come with a handbook. It also doesn't come with a uniform. It's hard to think what a uniform for a dad would look like. Every day is different. One day you might find yourself running around the park or paddling in the sea. The next day you might find yourself becoming a human pillow whilst you watch cartoons on the couch. So what items of clothing should every dad have in theire wardrobe? Here are a few top tips on how you should dress to tackle everything fatherhood throws at you.

Start at the bottom

One of the most vital parts to protect when you're a dad is your feet. If you're a dad to young children, you'll constantly be rushed off your feet chasing them around. You'll still be running around after them once they get older, only this time it'll be picking them up from revision sessions and sports practice. A comfortable pair of trainers are a must for any parent. Pick a team that won't cause you blisters and will also protect your toes from any little feet stamping on them.

As well as comfortable shoes, it's important to get comfortable socks. Whilst novelty socks are a good laugh; they probably do very little to protect your feet. Instead, pick a pair that will stop your feet from rubbing against the inside of your shoe. For example, Kindsox have a wide range of cushioned cotton socks. Just like the brand suggests, by buying from them, you'll also be helping others as they donate a pair to charity after every purchase.

Pick durable fabrics

As well as being comfortable, you'll also want your clothes to be durable. Your jeans will have to survive everything from grass stains when playing on a field to paint and marker pens when you're playing with art materials. Pick fabrics that won't stain easily. Avoid anything white if you can. Also, pick fabrics that won't tear easily. Whether you're pretending to be an aeroplane or climbing up a tree after a ball, we all know that parenthood can stretch clothing to its limits. As well as picking the right clothes, it's important to look after them as well. Follow the instructions on the label of all of your clothes. If something gets particularly heavily stained, then you will want to pre-treat the stain with a special product before putting it in the wash.

Add a bit of colour

When drawing a picture of you, it's unlikely that a young child would ever pick a grey, a dark green or a navy blue crayon. They'll pick the brightest yellows and oranges because that's what they find the most exciting. Since that is the case, why not dress like your child imagines you in your head. Research has also suggested that bright clothing can improve your mood and the mood of those around you. If it prevents a temper tantrum, then that's all the more reason to dress brightly.