Self Care Tips For Busy Working Dads

Self-care is something that’s often associated with women, but it’s just as important for men as it is for women. Self-care doesn’t need to be essential oils and baths — but it, of course, can be for men and women — self-care if whatever makes you feel better, whether that’s getting out for a run each day or cooking. So, for the busy working dads out there, take a look through these self-care tips and see if you can improve how well you look after yourself. After all, to be the best father, it’s important that you’re on the top of your game. 

1. Prioritise sleep 

This may sound like a laughable concept if you’re the father of young kids, but everyone’s guilty of staying up too late watching box sets, having a drink, or simply working too late. When you’re caring for a family, you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. So, when you can, prioritize getting to bed at a reasonable time, and sharing night duties with your partner, if that’s the case, to ensure you’re both getting as much sleep as possible. You can pick up a tracker to help you see how much sleep you’re getting each night, to help you keep track. Dentist Delray Beach also says that not getting enough sleep is not just detrimental to your overall health, but specifically to your dental health as it can cause gum diseases.

2. Consider meditation 

Meditation can help you open your mind and calm your thoughts. Fatherhood can be a stressful time, full of sleepless nights and the worries that responsibility brings. Meditation can help you calm your thoughts and make day-to-day life and work more manageable. The sense of wellness it can bring to your day can be dramatic. There are apps you can download straight to your phone such as Headspace and Calm, and you can also follow free guided meditations on sites like YouTube.

3. Move your body 

Getting your body moving and taking care of yourself is one of the biggest acts of self-care. That doesn’t mean you have to run 5k every morning or slave away at the gym — unless this is normal for you, blasts of exercise like this are often unsustainable. The important thing is to find an activity you enjoy — be it HIIT, tennis or even walking — if you find something you love, then exercise won’t feel like a chore and you’ll be able to keep doing it every day. 

4. Trust the professionals 

Just like you’d turn to an attorney like Takakjian & Sitkoff, LLP, for legal help and advice, make sure to know when to turn to the professionals when it comes to matters of childcare or mental health. Particularly when it comes to mental health, it’s important to know yourself and to seek help if you feel yourself struggling. Self-care is all about what’s best for you, and you can’t pour from an empty cup, so, as a father, take the steps you need to to help yourself. You also can't forget about good dental hygiene when talking about self-care! It is easy to forget if you are a working dad who travels, so if you have a emergency like a broken tooth whilst you are on the road, for example in Tennessee, look for a top emergency dentist in Greenville who can attend to your needs quickly.

Hopefully, this list has given you a couple of ideas of how you can practice self-care, to ensure you’re the best you can be