Simple Tricks Any Guy Can Use To Dress Better

Guys sometimes don't realize that to make a good first impression with an employer, girl, or anyone they meet, clothes say a lot. That isn't to say that a grubby pair of jeans and a torn t-shirt isn't going to work. There are just some settings where dressing up a bit better is the best idea. But for some guys, it seems a tad on the complicated side. However, it isn't. If you follow the rules listed below, you will be able to dress better which will make you look more presentable. It could be the difference between getting the job or getting the girl and not.


Rule 1 - Start With A Clean Slate 

This may be somewhat painful for some guys, but to dress with style, you need to take a good hard look at what exists in your wardrobe and come to grips with the fact that most of it is going to be replaced. While that sounds harsh, the changes will be subtle. For example, you can trade your Led Zepplin tour t-shirt for one in a solid color. Changes like that will give you better options when dressing for any type of occasion.


Rule 2 - Mentally Delete All Your Current Fashion Knowledge 

For you to create a new, stylish wardrobe you have to have the right mindset. This means that anything you've retained from magazines, online posts, and conversations with friends about fashion trends should be forgotten. Most of that data is going to be outdated by now, anyway. Besides, do you honestly know what type of pants matches well with a leather belt? Yeah. That's what we're talking about here.


Rule 3 - Get Back To The Basics 

There are a few basics that you should focus on first. Once you get these down, you can expand your fashion knowledge. For example, business casual means a white button-down shirt under a navy blue suit and dress shoes. Street casual is dark denim jeans and a clean white t-shirt. On that note, sometimes you might want to push the fashion statement envelope a little by wearing a specially designed custom tee like those you can order from T-Shirt Express Ohio. Simple, right? At this point, you are not required to understand what matches well with what nor do you need to know how to tie a tie.


Rule 4 - Fill Your Wardrobe With A Foundation 

The foundation of your wardrobe is going to be several pieces that can create the basic look you need for different settings. The items you will need include clothing staples such as white shirts, grey sweaters, and dark blue jeans. These match well with anything and as you add to the foundation, seek clothing items that are in neutral colors including white, black, grey, navy, or khaki.


Rule 5 - Use The KISS Rule 

The KISS Rule is to Keep It, Simple Simon. This boils down to sticking to the commitment to expand your wardrobe by not expanding your debt load too much. This means that you can dress well without spending a bag of money. Sure, you'll want to splurge on some items but for now, stick to buying comfortable clothing that doesn't wear out your bank account. Don't make it complicated because it actually isn't.


Rule 6 - Shop For Fit First And Foremost 

We just used the word comfortable. There is a reason for that. When filling your wardrobe with new clothes, the goal here is to do so without bending to trends and styles. Sure, you may be able to pull off the latest trendy look but if the shoes hurt your feet or go out of style next season, you made a boo-boo. Always focus on clothing that fits correctly. You have to be in them for part of your day so you may as well feel good.


Rule 7 - Learn The Basics Of Layering 

When you get a firm grip on how to layer clothing, you will be able to expand the number of outfits that you can create with a wardrobe that is a fraction of the size it used to be. Girls have layering down to a science. They can turn a skirt and top into a dozen different looks with layering. You can do the same with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Aim for creating numerous layered outfits with accessories and extras.


Rule 8 - Experiment A Bit 

As you develop your very own look, you can step outside of the box and pull in some interesting and unique clothing items. This will give your wardrobe a spark, something dynamic that says you are not afraid to try something new. Just steer clear of trendy things. For example, maybe wearing a leather jacket instead of a sweater will work better for you in a specific setting. Switch out sneakers for loafers - or visit Custom My Sneakers if you want to put a design on your sneakers, and check out the amazing variety of sneakers at Vessi (


Rule 9 - Actually Pay Attention To Your Socks 

Socks are a bigger deal than you may think. With the right pair, you can give an ordinary outfit a bit of a punch that livens it up. Don't get caught in the solid color-only rut for socks. Try bright colors, patterns, and graphics to express some personality. Socks can even stand out for formal occasions. No Cold Feet offers customizable striped, patterned, and simpler solid socks designed for wedding parties and other milestones.


Rule 10 - The Dress Code Trumps Everything 

Regardless of the great new fashion sense you have developed, you still have to live within certain guidelines. If you are attending a formal event, respect the dress code, and arrive looking like the formal part of your wardrobe jumped all over you. In other words, don't try to push your new-found style into places it won't fit. Besides, if you've done it right, you should be able to dress for any occasion now with your new wardrobe.


In Conclusion 

It is not rocket science learning how to dress better. All the average guy has to do is embrace the tips and rules listed here to create the best wardrobe possible. With the foundation in place and a strong understanding of the basics, any guy can look great without spending a bundle and still get the job or the girl.