Tackling Low Self Confidence As A Man

As a man and a dad, there is a lot of pressure to fit a certain mold, a specific stereotype that has been drummed in from a really young age. However, much of this is toxic and has led to an increase in depression and suicide among men of all ages. The pressure to give up something people expect or that they feel is expected of them can often be too much, and compounded with a "boys don't cry" or "don't show emotion" attitude, can ultimately wreak havoc on a person's psyche. To put this into perspective, in 2021, white males accounted for over 69% of suicides in the U.S.

This tells us that something needs to be done to help men address who they are and how to express themselves to help them retain a healthy outlook on life, improve their self-confidence and self-worth and live the best life possible and thrive simultaneously.

Tackling low confidence is part and parcel of being able to help men avoid reaching the point of no return where they feel suicide is the only option. While self-confidence isn't the driving factor alone, it can affect how you feel about yourself and your place in the world. If this sounds familiar to you, this post looks at ways you can work on your confidence to help you tackle everything you have going on in your life.


We don't mean the toxic kind of positivity where people force you to think about the good things while the world feels like it's crashing and burning around you. But by surrounding yourself with people and things that make you feel good about yourself, you can start to turn the tables and, in turn, think more positively about yourself. It is all too easy to find the negatives; take reading reviews online for a product you want to buy. There could be 100 positive reviews and one negative one. Is that one person right over 99 others? Most likely not, and this is the mindset that you need to have about yourself. Does that one thing you aren't happy about overwhelm the rest of the good in you and what you do? Probably not. Focus on the good and avoid dwelling on the negatives.

Embrace Yourself

A bit of soul searching never done anyone any harm, and far from being something to scoff at, it can be a vital part of your journey. You cannot be truly confident and happy with yourself if you don't know who you are as a person and what you want from life. So step back and evaluate who you are. Do you like some parts of your personality or your habits? Why do you do the things you do, and what do you want to do and be in life? Once you know for sure the kind of person you are, you can focus on this to help build stepping stones to becoming a more confident person.

Make The Changes

It's not good enough to simply be thinking and reflecting on things if you aren't going to make changes. Becoming more confident means you must step up and do the things that scare you. Make eye contact with more people, talk to a stranger when you go out, and apply for that job you didn't think you were good enough for. Some Australian men may lose their self-confidence because they have vision problems that cause them to squint, or open their eyes unnaturally widely. This can make maintaining eye contact challenging.In such cases, seeking treatment from a reputable melbourne eye clinic could be an excellent idea. These clinics offer various vision correction methods that can address vision issues and potentially improve self-confidence.

While it might not always go to plan, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone will give you a boost to keep going and working on things until you get to where you want to be. In some cases, seeking the support of professionals will be best. Be it your doctor to address health or body concerns, you might have a referral to Gabriel Salloum M.D. for treatment, or it could be talking to a therapist to help you overcome mental health issues holding you back. Regardless of the changes you need to make, do it, even if it's just small steps at first.

Take Care of Yourself

It might sound like a bit of a cliche, but people, not just men, who take pride in their appearance feel better. So putting yourself first and thinking about what your body needs can help you to boost your confidence. Because if you feel good, this will show and give you the support you need. From changing your your diet and eating well to getting more sleep a night or working out, prioritize your health so you are in the best shape possible to help you feel good. From here, you can change your appearance if necessary by getting a new haircut or even color, trying new outfits, having cosmetic treatments such as facials or fake tan, or experimenting with jewelry and accessories such as piercings. Whatever takes your fancy can help boost your confidence and belief in yourself.

When it comes to improving confidence, nothing can help you more than taking charge and helping yourself. Push those negative thoughts and feelings to one side and replace them with words that can motivate you and make you feel good, all while building on this to make bigger and better changes to give you the life you crave.