Posts tagged Baby Formula
Why Dumex Mamil Gold Is Perfect For Your Child

As a parent, you probably take a lot of pride in your child. And, why shouldn’t you? This is your child and there are going to be a lot of firsts. It is important that you are there to see, experience, and document all of these experiences. This is your child developing and he or she will do a lot of it over the years. It starts with choosing to give your kids the right products and nutrition.

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Police Officers Chip In to Help a Shoplifting Dad

A 23-year-old father was caught shoplifting baby formula on Sunday, but instead of arresting him, four cops—and the store—chipped in to send the dad home with $80 worth of food for his 11-month-old. An employee at a Roswell, New Mexico, Albertsons grocery store called police after spotting the dad smuggling canisters of formula into a baby carrier. When the police confronted the man, they learned that he had recently lost his job.

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