Posts tagged Kids weight
Why You Should Plan Your Kids Summer Camp In The Winter

It seems counter-intuitive to even think about the summer when we are in the grip of Polar Vortex 2019, which gave some parts of the USA the worst conditions in 20 years. So in this post we are going to have and why your kids will benefit from a summer camp and why it is advantageous to do so as early as possible – even though you are freezing in the polar vortex!

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Kids, Weight, And Surgery: How Do They Interact?

Gaining weight seems to be an inevitable part of having kids—and it’s not something that impacts just moms. Studies have shown that a man’s risk of obesity increases 4 percent with every child he has. Though the exact reason for the weight gain is unclear (is it due to more stress? less time for planning healthy meals and exercise?), the solution is the same for anyone trying to shed pounds: dieting and physical activity.

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