Posts tagged Negative Words
How To Turn Your Words Into Your Power

It goes without saying that your words and thoughts can and do dictate how you feel at any given moment: happy, sad, inspired, stressed - you get my point. One morning I woke up. I thought of those words, and I had a realization, that I had been trying to push forward to make things happen with the passionate intention of trying to dig us out of a terrible situation. But this concept of ‘pushing forward’ really was weakening my power, instead it was causing anxiousness and stress.

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Influence Of Words That Fathers Use To Their Child

To all the fathers out there: Your words are very powerful, use them wisely! It was my daddy who taught me to value and accept myself, he told me that I was exceptionally beautiful and that I was the most valuable thing in life. And you know what? I believed every word that he said. My friend Tommy was not as fortunate...

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