Posts tagged Weekend
Plan the Ultimate Camping Trip for Fun Family Time

If you're a fan of getting back to basics and connecting with nature, spending time outdoors with your kids is a great way to bond with them. There are so many fun things for children to do outdoors, and you can foster a love of nature and outdoor activity in them. A camping trip is an ideal thing to do with them, whether it's a special Dad-only occasion or a family affair.

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A Dad’s Guide To Taking Children On A Wildlife Adventure

Most parents will balk at the idea of taking their children to see wild animals in their natural habitat. However, taking your children on a wildlife adventure can be one of the best things that you can do this year as it can help them see the world in a brand new way. Here’s a dad’s guide to taking children on a wildlife adventure.

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Daddy Cool: Dressing To Impress

As a dad, it’s safe to say that you may no longer be classed as cool. Of course, there are always the hot dads, the sporty dads, the high flying dads, and even the young dads - and they usually tend to fall into the cool category. But it always seems to be the way that, if you’re a dad and over forty that you’re no longer considered cool by your kids - especially if they’re teens. So, you may experience the kind of disapproving looks from your kids when you get dressed each day. Even when you feel comfortable in something, they’re bound to hate it. But can you ever really dress well as a dad? Well, we’re going to find out

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All Alone On The Weekend - Awesome Activities For You And The Kids

When you get some quality time with the kids on the weekend, there are always a few worries that you're going to struggle to keep them entertained. And if you rarely get quality time on your own with them, you want those few sacred hours to be memorable and special...

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