Posts tagged bad weather
How To Prepare Your Home For Hurricanes

Severe weather can be a scary time for everyone. June through November are challenging because that’s when hurricane season is. Hearing the weatherman say words like “hurricane” and “tropical storm” bring anxiety to homeowners, particularly the ones who live in coastal states. Hurricanes can remain potent even when they move inland. Use this guide for preparing your home for hurricane season.

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Safest Way To Charge a Car Battery in the Rain

Have you ever faced the frightening scenario of being stuck in a rainstorm with a car that won’t start? If so, you’ve probably wondered how to safely charge a car battery in the rain. Fortunately, most car electrical systems have very low voltages, which means you have minimal chance of being injured while jump-starting your car in wet conditions. However, for the lowest chance of injury, here are some steps for safely charging your car battery in inclement weather.

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