Posts tagged consumer safety
5 Reasons To Have A Personal Locator Beacon

With people taking up outdoor recreation activities such as hiking, backpacking, sailing, camping, trekking and many more, there is need for utmost protection when you are out there. But as you embrace these open spaces, the urge to go further and further is too great to ignore. Here are 5 reasons to have a personal locator beacon

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3 Lifesaving Car Seat Rules Dads Should Follow for Child Safety

Dads will do anything to protect their children from harm. And that protective instinct kicks in immediately on the day your son or daughter is born. As soon as you hear you’re going to be a father, copious amounts of research begin to make certain you purchase the safest car seat on the market.   To help with your planning, these three lifesaving car seat rules take you from buying a seat to installing it in your vehicle and properly placing and securing your baby in it.

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