Posts tagged music career
Top Challenges For Dads In The Music Industry

Are you a dad working in the music industry, balancing work and family? As dads involved in this line of work, we can all relate to the unique challenges that come with it – from staying up late in the studio or jet-set around for tour dates to finding enough time for home life. We understand that parenting alongside our commitments as musicians or producers isn’t always easy! In today's post, we'll explore some of these top challenges and how to address them head-on. So let's jump right into it - what are some key obstacles standing between us and achieving success while managing our responsibilities as doting dads?

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Becoming A Successful DJ- Taking The Road Less Travelled By

To go the off-beaten path may seem full of fear, uncertainty, and anxiety, but it is also something that is hugely rewarding and has a never-ending thrill to it. No longer is it necessary to conform to conventional occupations to have a secure career. With time, there have been many new career opportunities that have paved the way for earning a good livelihood. And creating good music by being a DJ is one of them. If you have a knack for listening to all sorts of music genres and creating interesting pieces of your own, this field is one option that you should try venturing into.

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