The Process of Surrogacy: A Step By Step Guide

Many people may have heard of surrogacy but aren’t entirely sure what it means.  So, what exactly is it? Surrogacy is an option for parents who aren’t able to conceive on their own. 

Many parents dream of having a baby, but for one reason or another, they aren’t able to. The next best option is to turn to surrogacy as a means of having a baby. If this sounds like something that may work for you, then you’re likely to be asking yourself “how does surrogacy work?”, and wondering what else it entails.  Here are the basic steps of surrogacy to help you better understand the process.


Find Clinic

The first step is to find a clinic where you can talk to professionals about your specific set of circumstances.  

You will discuss your options and have the opportunity to ask any questions that you have about the process. Once you feel like surrogacy is the right option for you, then you can agree to move forward with the process. 

Choose a Surrogate Mother

The next phase of surrogacy involves choosing the right surrogate mother to carry your child. By explaining to the experts at the clinic what you’re looking for, they’ll be able to help you choose the perfect fit.

Once you’ve made your choice on who you choose to carry your child, the process towards becoming new parents officially begins. Through a series of fertility treatments and donated eggs and sperm, fertilization occurs, finally resulting in an embryo. This process usually takes several weeks. 

Prenatal Care 

Once your surrogate mother has been officially declared pregnant, the prenatal care begins.  She’ll attend regular doctor visits as well as follow the rules which the clinic advises. You’ll be able to follow her progress and help in a variety of ways as needed. 

Make It Legal

Once your surrogate mother is ready to give birth, you’ll be notified immediately. You’ll be able to go to the hospital where your new baby will be born. Once they are born, you can officially start the legal process of becoming official parents.

Depending on your unique set of circumstances, such as where in the world your surrogate gave birth, you may require more paperwork. For example, if your baby was born in another country by a non-American citizen, you’ll need to acquire citizenship and a passport for your baby before returning home. 

Become New Parents!

Now that all of the bureaucracy is out of the way, it’s time to start being parents! Your child will be yours as if you gave birth to them yourselves.   You can raise them in exactly the same way you would if you had birthed them with your own body.

Although surrogacy is never the exact same experience for everyone, many people find that it’s one of the best choices that they’ve ever made. --