Top 5 Self-Care Strategies For Stay-At-Home Dads

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

While the majority of stay-at-home parents have historically been moms, the number of stay-at-home dads has been growing rapidly in recent years. Being a stay-at-home dad can be rewarding, as they get to spend more time with their children and manage their time how they please. However, raising children can be difficult, and there are often added pressures and challenges that can come with being at home all day. 

Stay-at-home dads can be prone to loneliness, experience exhaustion, and question whether they’re raising their children right. It can also be difficult for stay-at-home dads to find time for themselves, as they’re always looking after their kids, running errands, or doing household chores like cooking and cleaning. 

Managing one's mental health is also a crucial part of self-care. Sometimes, the challenges of daily life can worsen mental health concerns, which may require more than simple lifestyle changes to address. For example, dads with OCD might find that certain things about their home life exacerbate their symptoms. In these cases, exploring therapeutic approaches like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy could be useful. Those interested in learning more about this form of therapy can visit, where other resources are also available. 

Self-care is a complex yet necessary aspect of living a healthy life and getting the most out of each day. The five self-care strategies in this article can help stay-at-home dads regain their sense of self and recommit to their responsibilities with newfound energy and purpose. 

Top 5 Self-Care Strategies For Stay-At-Home-Dads

Stay-at-home dads can choose from numerous activities, habits, and hobbies to maintain their well-being. Below are five recommendations to get started. 

  1. Establish a routine: Given that most stay-at-home dads have a lot of freedom in choosing how their day goes, it can be important to establish a routine. Routines offer a greater sense of control, allow the day to run more efficiently, and create structure instead of chaos. Dads might allocate certain hours out of the day for chores, spending time with their children, practicing self-care, and running errands. 

  2. Connect with other dads: Being a stay-at-home dad can get isolating and lonely since there won’t be regular interaction with coworkers or people outside of the home. Thus, it’s crucial to plan outings with friends or other dads, who can offer a sense of connection. Dads who share their struggles and triumphs with people who can relate to them may experience less stress, feel more supported, and gain greater confidence in their role as a stay-at-home dad. 

  3. Find a hobby: Hobbies can promote positive mental wellness by alleviating stress, cultivating self-confidence, and serving as a creative outlet. Stay-at-home dads might engage in photography, woodworking, cooking, gardening, solving puzzles, or fishing when they have a moment to themselves. When dads take the time to do something that they enjoy, they can recommit to their responsibilities with greater enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose.  

  4. Break a sweat: Exercise can be essential to mental and physical well-being, making it vital to find the time to engage in some type of movement. Dads may choose to exercise with their kids— such as pushing them around the neighborhood in their stroller— or do it solo in the gym when they have the chance. Physical activity doesn’t have to be strenuous to be effective, and dads can choose from sports, yoga, jogging, hiking, biking, and more to satisfy their body’s need for exercise. 

  5. Take a hot bath: Stay-at-home dads are often running around all day trying to find the time for everything they need to get done. This can leave them feeling tired and burnt out. Taking a hot bath can be an effective way for them to unwind, heal any sore muscles, and clear their head. Adding essential oils to the tub or turning on a candle may boost the benefits of a hot bath, and dads may also consider reading while in the tub or listening to a podcast. 

While being a stay-at-home dad can present challenges, these hurdles can also be more easily overcome by prioritizing regular self-care. By looking after their physical and mental well-being, stay-at-home dads can more effectively navigate the demands of their responsibilities while appreciating their important role as caregivers. Investing in oneself may feel selfish or overly time-consuming, but in reality, these moments of self-care are what allow dads to provide the best possible care for their families.