Top 5 Tips To Survive A Home Invasion

Acts of violence and insecurity are hard to predict and even the best secured lofty homes in high-end suburbs are susceptible to the occasional scare of a home invasion. Though there has been a 7-9% gradual decrease, burglary was still ranked as the third most common crime committed in the US in 2019. 

New Mexico and Oklahoma are ranked as the most prevalent areas for a burglary to take place, with 648.8 and 613.3 incidents per 100k residents, respectively. The average number of burglaries expected to occur in the US is 7,000 in a single day. 

The numbers could have been dire were it not for the brave legal gun owners (with an option to buy ammo online), who have frightened burglars away from breaking into their homes. And while we may expect that burglary may occur in the wee hours of the night, burglary stats dispute this notion with break-ins likely to happen during the day. Burglars prefer to invade when residents are out running errands. 

But in 27.6% of the burglary cases, there was at least one person at home. Here are a few safety drills that you should implement to ensure not only your safety but that of your family in case of a home invasion incident.

1.  Plan in advance

Just as the famous quote by the founding father, Benjamin Franklin, says, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail, while this may be applicable to strategic planning and whatnot. It should be applicable in this instance. Endear to practice invasion drills occasionally so that you and your family members are alive to the plan in case of a break-in.

2.  Be Prompt

The initial 30 sec are critical in assessing your situation and determining an efficient and effective move. While the thought of intruders brandishing guns or knives may be scary, panicking and rushing are a recipe for disaster.

Keep calm and quiet, determine how many they are, where they’re at, their sole intention–are they a threat to your family or they’re just in for the loot. Move swiftly, alert everyone, and initiate the ideal plan.

3.  Designate a safe room

Have a designated safe room because, in most cases, the intruder may have covered both the front and back door. Usually, the basement is the ideal safe haven in case of these attacks.  

Ensure your safe room is stocked with necessities like water and a phone. Barricade the entrance. This will give you ample time to reach out to relevant authorities.

4.  Make that 911 call

When you are in a safe location, call the police. In most instances, there are always patrol cars within your vicinity which will be less than 10 minutes out. If you’re unable to speak, if you call in and hang up, the operator will flash it as a distress call and they’ll be able to respond. 

Alternatively, dial 911, put your phone in speaker mode, and don’t hang up. The operator will again swift through the commotion and make a determination that you are indeed in danger and send help.

5.  Always Cooperate

I cannot reiterate enough that this is a life and death situation–when spooked, criminals can be aggressive. Burglars looking to score want to spend a max of 5 minutes in your home and any efforts to derail their efforts gets them agitated. 

This is true because over 85% are amateurs under the age of 25, driven by desperation. Given their carefree attitude, you shouldn’t aggravate them. To rid yourself of this encounter, ensure that you have a home security system as homes without one are 300% likely to be invaded.




Home Burglary Statistics in 2021 — Is Your Home Safe?

Home Burglary Statistics in 2021 — Is Your Home Safe? (2019). Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2021). 

Burglary rate by state U.S. 2020 | Statista

Burglary rate by state U.S. 2020 | Statista (2021). Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2021). 

The Best Places to Buy Ammo Online [2021] | Gun Made

The Best Places to Buy Ammo Online [2021] | Gun Made (2021). Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2021). 

Burglary Statistics: The Hard Numbers | National Council For Home Safety and Security

Burglary Statistics: The Hard Numbers | National Council For Home Safety and Security (2019). Available at: (Accessed: 3 November 2021).


Authored by Marcie Young

Author Bio

Mom, wife, and pro-guns writer. I live in Tolleson, AZ where the crime rate has been higher than almost 99% of American cities. A horrible personal experience made me realize the importance of gun ownership and self-defense.

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