Top 6 Cybersecurity Tips For Work At Home Dads

Work-life for a dad is usually a routine. You wake up in the morning, you drink a cup of coffee to help yourself wake up, and maybe have a pancake or two. Then you shower, put on your suit or uniform, and off you go to work. We do this every single day and we are so used to this life, we can do it with our eyes closed. 

Then 2020 happened. The rise of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed everything. And I mean everything.  

We had to be stuck inside our houses, both because it is government-mandated, but also because we ourselves are trying our best to not be infected by the virus. A lot of things that we were used to had to be done differently. Dads in particular are affected because they are usually the ones who go to their offices or establishments.  

One major thing that changed though is the way we do our jobs. Unfortunately, a lot of small companies, and even larger ones, have to close or let go of some of their employees because of the financial impact the pandemic has caused.  

Luckily, for some people, some companies have resorted to having their employees work from home. This is an excellent decision since it will secure the people working and will make them less prone to acquiring the virus, all the while making them keep their jobs.  

But one thing that online workers must be knowledgeable of is cybersecurity. They are not under the protection of their companies that have invested money into making sure their digital information is safe. When you work from home, it is an obligation to also make sure you are not at risk when it comes to cyber-attacks and threat actors.

What are Cyber Attacks?

Before the age of the internet, we didn't really have a lot of reasons to worry about when it came to our personal data. Back then, we just had to keep a close eye on our belongings such as identification cards that have our data and that’s it. But because of the ever-changing digital world, there are new and more complicated ways to get our precious data.  

We’re talking about hackers.  

All of us have heard about hackers at this point. We have learned in the news about attacks that they have done successfully. Like the attack that happened to one of the largest American bank holdings companies, Capital One. From the months of March to July 2019, hackers have successfully compromised the personal data of over 100 million customers. With this scale, millions, if not billions, of money are at stake along with the data security of their customers.  

Cyber attacks are assaults that are launched online by cybercriminals or hackers to get vital information from companies, institutions, or even regular people. They use this information to steal data, disable computers, and have admin privileges to be able to do whatever they please.  

Some hackers also attack electrical grids and the companies that handle them to gain control over electrical supplies and the people that use their service. Therefore, the cybersecurity compliance strategized by the power utility companies is at risk. This clearly shows no one is really safe from these attackers unless you are equipped with the proper security protection. This is a global problem, and so, for example, consumers in the Far East can check for the best VPN services for Taiwan.

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks for Work at Home Dads (and for everyone else too)

There are plenty of ways you can do to keep yourself safe and your data information secured. Hackers and cybercriminals will try their best in getting inside your network and will jump at every opportunity to steal your valuable information. Therefore, it is important you know how to defend yourself even if you work from home.

1.  Always Update Your Software

It can be annoying seeing that pop-up saying your this and that need an update. And men sometimes find this more annoying than women because Dads tend to want to continue their work without interruptions.  

But this is actually very important. Updates are the developer’s way of making sure their applications and tools are keeping up with the latest technology trends, and that includes added security. 

Software updates are something that you have to look out for. When your software is updated, especially your security software, you are sure to be more guarded against cyber attacks and hackers.

2.  Keep that VPN working 24/7

Since you are working from home, most likely you have been given access to your employer’s network to be able to do your job through a virtual private network (VPN). This is a secure network where you and your employer can transmit important data and information.  

You must always keep your VPN on at all times. This will assure you and your employer that the data exchanges between you and the company is always secure.

3.  Be Alert for Phishing Scams 

300.4 billion emails were sent and received last 2020. And in a day, you may receive more emails than what you have bargained for. Some emails you receive are important and therefore need immediate attention. While some, unfortunately, are targeting you and your data. There are a lot of ways to know whether an email is real or not so be sure to be vigilant and teach yourself ways on how to spot scam emails. 

4.  Make those Passwords Stronger Than Superman 

Passwords are like the double bolted lock you use on your front gate to make your house safe when you go out or sleep at night. Think of your digital data as your expensive 60” TV that you would not want to be stolen by burglars. So what do you do? You make sure your lock is strong and unbreakable. Just like your passwords. Experts say a unique and strong password must be a combination of upper and lowercase letters with numbers and a special character. Make sure it is something that people can’t easily guess.

5.  Create a Two-Factor Verification

Some Dads may think that it is extra work to do a two-factor verification process. Men can be a bit less keen to have to do extra steps on things they do. It’s better for them to get to the point and get things done as soon as possible. And having to prove your identity twice is something Dads may not be excited to do.  

Having this kind of verification though is a better way of securing your accounts online. When you have the two-factor verification option active, you will be asked to enter a unique PIN that is usually sent to your mobile number or email. This is an extra layer of protection since you are the only one who will receive this notification.

6.  Secure Your Home Wi-Fi

Now, since Dads are working at home and away from the free wi-fi they get from their offices or companies, they have to use their own wi-fi network at home. And since they aren’t usually at home before the pandemic, they are not that concerned about how their home wifi works and how it is being protected. 

But since now Dads have to use the home wi-fi, they must be aware that having a strong password for your network is something they must also be aware of. And not only that, but Dads can also learn how to change the password if they feel like their password is compromised.  



Dads are used to working outside, wherever their workplace is. But because of the current situation regarding the pandemic, companies have resolved to make their employees work from home in order for their company to continue moving forward. 

Being at home and working doesn’t excuse anyone from making sure their information and their company’s data are safe and secure. Be in the know of the latest security trends and surely you will have peace of mind knowing your data is in the right hands.