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8 Perfect Pets For Your Family

Are you considering adding a new family member? One that has four legs instead of two?  

If you are, you want to adopt the ideal companion for your kids. What critters should you consider for your clan? Here are eight perfect pets for your growing family.

1. Dogs 

According to data from Google Trends, people search for dog-related information online twice as often as the research cats. Does this mean that Fido is more popular than Fluffy? While it’s hard to tally exact figures due to the large number of people with outdoor felines, the barking set does seem to reign supreme in terms of the numbers.  

Why do so many people love their pooches? Many people cite their loving personalities. As a parent, you might appreciate the fact that some breeds serve as extra protectors for your little one.  

However, you don’t have to get a German Shepherd if you live in a tiny apartment. Dogs like French bulldogs don’t require much exercise, nor do they bark a lot and disturb your neighbors.  

Which breed should you select? . Sometimes, a purebred is easier to train, although many rescues get the basics from the foster family they shared while awaiting a “furever” home. You know more what to expect in terms of temperament, but keep in mind that each creature has individual quirks.

2. Cats  

If the idea of pulling on your jacket and shoes to take a puppy out at 3 a.m. doesn’t appeal to you, why not consider a feline friend as a perfect pet for your family? They’re the second-most popular pet, and they offer considerable advantages.  

Please don’t believe the old wives’ tale about cats stealing the breath of infants. However, you might want to keep your infant and kitty separated, at least when unsupervised. A careless scratch can bring tears.  

Although cats are notoriously independent, you might want to adopt a pair if you travel frequently. Like any animal, they can get lonely and become destructive. Adding a second Siamese to your home is more humane than getting angry when a bored kitty scratches up your couch.

3. Hamsters and Gerbils 

Small animals like hamsters and gerbils make ideal bedroom pets for many kiddos. They require less care and expense than larger animals and might be the ideal starter.  

You’ll need a cage that’s at least 15-inches long by 12-inches high, but if you can afford larger, do so. If you want your hamster or gerbil to run around your house without getting lost, get them a ball — your child will have no end of fun watching their bubble baby explore.

4. Rabbits 

Rabbits are intelligent, gentle creatures. You can even train them to use a litter box like a cat, and you might find the aroma of their favorite foods less offensive than stinky tuna.  

You can build an outdoor hutch for your rabbit, but you can also keep it indoors. If it is your only pet, you can give it free reign to explore your home once you complete litter training.

5. Birds 

Not every new addition has to have fur and four legs. The perfect pet for your family might have feathers and claws.  

You’ll pay a pretty penny if you want to get a myna bird and train it to talk. However, you can find budgerigars at nearly any pet store. You’ll also need a cage and perch, food and a water bottle.

6. Lizards  

The perfect pet for your family might not even have warm blood. Lizards also make excellent and unique companions.  

You have dozens of species from which to choose. If you want something larger, an Argentinian black-and-white tegu might delight your young herpetologist. Skinks and geckos are much smaller and have less intensive feeding needs — you can pick up feeder fish for pennies at many pet stores.

7. Fish  

However, if you have a big heart, you could invest those pennies into a different family pet. Instead of giving your feeder to your snake, provide it with a home. Fish are fascinating creatures, and they can be perfect starter companions.  

You can go with either freshwater or saltwater fish. Many amateur aquarium enthusiasts find freshwater easier to start. While maintenance costs little, you will need to spend a considerable sum for the initial setup. Fish can live for short periods in a bowl, but they need oxygen and filtration to thrive.

8. Exotic Pets 

Is your little angel pressuring you for a pony? If you have the means and the acreage, why not indulge them?  

Other pets you might consider adding to your family:

●     Snakes: If you don’t like the idea of feeding live mice or rats, you might want to give this pet a pass. Some snakes devour frozen prey, but others won’t touch it. If the size of a boa constrictor intimidates you, smaller ball pythons only get to about four feet in length.

●     Potbellied pigs: These little porkers can be quite the handful, but they are more intelligent than dogs and take well to training.

●     Monkeys: Your toddler will eventually outgrow that developmental stage. However, if you can’t get enough of the antics and energy, a monkey is like adopting a permanent 2-year-old.

Adopt One of These Seven Perfect Pets for Your Family

Which of the eight pets above is perfect for your family? You have many choices for adding extra furry or finned love to your clan.