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8 Ways To Have An Excellent Fall

© Thomas Van Sciver

For some, it’s the most fabulous time of the year. Others, though, dread the coming winter so much, they miss out on the magic that is autumn. Why, when there’s so much goodness to enjoy?

How can you have the most excellent fall ever? Here are eight ways to enjoy the bounty that is the season.

1. Carve a Jack O’Lantern

It’s the time of year for gourds of all sizes to turn ripe and plump. Why not grace your front walkway or bay window with a jack o’ lantern that you carve with your kids?

Pick a fresh pumpkin that will last through Halloween and gather your supplies. Don’t shy away from getting messy — it’s all part of the fun. You can always do the work outside on your patio picnic table if you hesitate to mess up your kitchen.

Why not bring the competition by seeing who can invent the best design if you have multiple children? Keep those precious seeds when you clean out the pumpkin — pepitas make an excellent snack that’s rich in protein and iron. All you have to do is toss them in olive oil and sea salt, then pop them in the oven for 10 minutes or until crispy brown.

2. Wander Through the Orchards

What’s another fruit that’s synonymous with fall excellence? If you said “an apple,” you won yourself a fresh cup of cider at the county fair. It’s tough to design a cornucopia or bake a Dutch version of the classic pie without them.

Bundle up and stroll through your local orchard. Wear an oversized shirt or bring your carrying basket to gather apples from low-hanging branches to add to your holiday baking. While you’ll burn a few calories, this activity is gentle enough for those with chronic pain conditions.

3. Jump in a Pile of Leaves

What’s your age again? Don’t bother to answer that question if it will spoil your fun. You’re never too old to enjoy jumping into a pile of freshly raked leaves.

What if you don’t have a yard? Do you know an elderly neighbor who does and could use a bit of help with upkeep? Volunteering raises your serotonin and oxytocin levels, two feel-good neurotransmitters that can help stave off seasonal depression. Between that and a roll in the seasonal colors, you'll feel much better.

4. Indulge in Pumpkin Spice

What’s the quintessential autumn treat? Of course, the answer is anything with pumpkin spice. While you might take a hard pass on beard oil made to smell like your grandma’s Thanksgiving kitchen, you’ll find ample other ways to indulge.

Do you adore Twinkies? While you may have to scour America like Woody Harrelson’s character in “Zombieland,” you can find those made with the stuff. Everyone from your favorite coffee shop to convenience stores offer flavored beverages, and a hot drink warms cold hands.

5. Make Healthier Treats

Fall is the season to get in the kitchen and bake. However, if you watch your waistline, you might lament the veritable cornucopia of sweet treats everywhere from your kitchen counter to the office break room.

Learn how to make healthy substitutions and enjoy your fall favorites without all the fat, white flour and empty calories. You can exchange regular flour for varieties made with hemp hearts or garbanzo beans for added protein and nutrients. Use applesauce instead of oil to cut fat.

6. Go Leaf-Peeping 

Fall is the season when Mother Nature breaks out her prettiest palette — grab your camera or phone and get outside to enjoy the show. If you don’t have enough vibrancy where you live, why not take a road trip?

You’ll need to stock your car with the basics — ample water and snacks. Take along plenty of masks, too, even if your home jurisdiction lacks a mandate. Other locations do require them. Outdoor activities make it a snap to maintain social distancing, and you might just shoot an award-winning picture. If not, at least you’ll cure your cabin fever for a bit.

7. Decorate for the Holidays

It doesn’t matter what you celebrate, even if it’s Festivus. There are few better ways to get in the spirit of the season than to decorate for the holidays. If your spiritual beliefs prohibit elaborate displays or trees, you can still beautify your home.

Learn how to make a fall leaf wreath to welcome guests to your front door. If you knit or crochet, why not make some new blankets in seasonal hues? They’ll come in handy when you curl up with a juicy novel and a cup of hot cocoa. If you have old tee shirts, you can use them to craft extra throw pillows to invite napping.

8. Get into the Spooky Spirit

Fall means Halloween, which is officially the best holiday for good little ghouls and goblins alike. Get in the spooky spirit of the season by telling ghost stories around the campfire — or backyard fire pit. If you don’t have one, go to your local dollar store and buy a tray of electric candles to recreate the effect indoors with no wax or fire danger.

If you love all that haunt the night, why not take a spirit tour of presumably haunted places nearby? You can also travel to various locations, such as Salem, MA, or the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. The latter inspired Stephen King’s novel “The Shining.”

Have an Excellent Fall With These Eight Tips

You don’t need to look at fall as a long day’s descent into freezing temps. Instead of going all Ned Stark with dire warnings that “winter is coming,” celebrate the season with the eight tips above.