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Become A Winter Cyclist -The Healthy Way

We are firmly in the grip of winter, and temperatures can drop as low as 2.6 °F (-16.3 °C) in Alaska, USA. Who wants to go outside in bad weather? You may want to just hunker down at home, and scurry from destination to destination to escape the cold blasts, but there are positive advantages to getting outside in the winter.

The fact remains that you at some stage of the winter you are inevitably going to end up buried under your warmest clothes, standing at a bus stop, walking to the train station, or spending ages digging out your car out of the snow on your driveway, and then waiting ages in a cold car waiting for it to warm up.

It is not easy to escape the grip of winter.

So we are going to take a quick look at one way you can get savvy and become a winter enthusiast, you can remain active throughout the winter and get some winter sunshine, and help preserve our environment by reducing the use of your car – by winter cycling.


Why would you choose to cycle in the winter?

Even if you are not a cycling enthusiast yourself, you probably know someone who is a fanatical cyclist and it is very common to see people braving the snow and ice, some bundled up with layers of bulky clothing.

However, you’ll be able to spot the cycling fanatics who are more organized and wear the latest type of insulated winter Mens & Womens Cycling Jersey| Cycling Jersey | Bovem Life - BOVEM LIFE jacket which is far warmer, windproof, aerodynamic and practical.

The benefits of winter cycling

In inclement weather, if you travel by car in heavy traffic you could well find that your journeys can take twice as long as normal. Whether you are cycling around town looking where to buy espresso machines, or needing to get home quickly to meet with your grandparent’s new homecare nursing services, you’ll find it quick and convenient to use your cycle.


For example, did you know that you actually burn more calories when you are active in cold weather, so shoveling that mass of snow on your driveway every day is actually good for you!

It is very easy to gain winter pounds by hiding away at home, and in the USA an average adult people end up 12 pounds heavier by the end of the winter holiday season. Not a great scenario. Make sure to use your fitness tracker and power meter every time you ride your bicycle. These gadgets will measure the energy, or work, you used while cycling and get an accurate measurement of how many calories you burned.


It is very important to get sunshine throughout the year, not just on your summer holiday. There is less daylight in the winter, and this can lead to seasonal mood disorders and varying degrees of depression. The exercise from cycling releases dopamine in the brain, which is a natural anti-depressant. Yes, being active in the cold makes you happier!

Save money

The cost of running a vehicle in the winter increases substantially. In short-trip city driving, a conventional gasoline car's gas mileage is about 12% lower at 20°F than it would be at 77°F. It can drop as much as 22% for very short trips (3 to 4 miles).

Got a hybrid? The situation is even worse, because their fuel economy can drop about 31% to 34% under the same conditions.

So you can save a ton of time and money, improve your mood and overall health, and help save the environment by taking to two wheels during the winter months. Feel free to share your best tips for cycling in the winter in the comments below.