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Common Reasons Why Tattoo Removal Tends To Go Wrong

It isn’t difficult for tattoo removal to go wrong, particularly when so many inexperienced technicians are administering treatments and with there being so many ‘miracle’ treatments available online.

The reality is that tattoo removal is a delicate process that requires the right expertise, equipment and products. If you are currently living with tattoo regret and want to start the process of removing an old tattoo, this is what you need to know to avoid a potential disaster.

Why Tattoo Removal Tends to Go Wrong

Clinics Use Cheap Equipment for Laser Tattoo Removal

There are far too many clinics that offer laser tattoo removal but don’t specialise in it. Not only does this mean that the clinic doesn’t have the necessary experience to safely administer these treatments but there is also a very good chance that they haven’t invested in the best equipment. Good laser tattoo removal systems cost thousands of dollars because they are designed to protect your skin during the removal process.

Clinics Use Lactic Acid Injections for Tattoo Removal

While lactic acid injections will certainly get rid of some of your tattoo ink, it will also create scarring deep within the dermis and won’t produce the results you are hoping for. If laser removal is pursued after lactic acid injections, treatment will take much longer.

Clinics are Hiring Inexperienced Technicians to Save on Costs

Laser tattoo removal machinery should not be operated by anyone who doesn’t have a thorough understanding of the technology, the nature of tattoos and the anatomy of the skin. It only takes a few minutes for a laser to cause permanent damage, which can easily happen if you are dealing with an experienced technician.

Avoiding a Tattoo Removal Disaster

As you start searching for further tattoo removal details from clinics in your area, here are a few things to keep in mind.

1.      Find out about experience and training. Before you go ahead with an appointment, find out who will be administering your treatment and what skills and experience they have with laser tattoo removal.

2.      Ask about the laser that will be used. As previously mentioned, good lasers don’t come cheap and it’s always better to find a clinic that uses a laser that is specifically designed for tattoo removal. While many laser systems are used for both beauty and laser tattoo removal, make sure that the laser that will be used is recommended for tattoo removal too.

3.      Go in with patience. It’s going to take some time for your body to get rid of the ink particles as they are broken down, so if you are serious about laser tattoo removal, patience is a must. Any clinics that offer guarantees on how quickly they can remove a tattoo are not going to provide you with good results.

4.      Look beyond the marketing. When you really want a tattoo gone, you want results as soon as possible but any clinic that is making bold claims is only going to produce inferior results that may require even more treatments later on.