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Moving To The UK With Your Family? Tips And Steps To Follow

The UK remains a favourable destination for dads with the aspiration of relocating their families for better living conditions or just to experience a new environment. Whether you’re coming to the country to work or study, for a short time, long time, or permanently, you’ll find the environment conducive. The good thing is that most UK visas allow beneficiaries to bring family members as dependents.

You may, however, find the process overwhelming as UK visa applications typically involve lots of processing and documentation. Nevertheless, with the right information and guidance, it should be trouble-free. Below are tips and steps to follow to help make moving to the UK with your family easier.

●      Choosing The Right Visa

Choosing the right visa is the most important step, and employment routes are the best option. Having enough money to support your stay is among the key UK entry requirements. With a work visa, you'll be earning a salary that proves you can handle your finances.

The available visas include:

●        Long-term work visas

●        Short-term work visas

●        Investor, business development, and talent visas

Among these visas, some ideal options include the Skilled Worker visa, Health and Care Worker visa, Global Business Mobility visa, Start-Up visa, Investor Visa, and Innovator visa. Some Temporary Work visas let you bring family members, and there are upcoming visas like the Scale-up visa and High Potential Individual visa.

However, if you wish to live in the UK with your family permanently, you should apply for long-term work visas and investor, business development, and talent visas. Duration of stay on short-term work visas usually doesn't count towards settlement and possibly citizenship afterward, and on that basis, you could then apply for a UK Spouse Visa

The Skilled Worker visa is the most famous employment route after it replaced the Tier 2 (General) work visa. You can stay in the UK for up to 5 years with this visa, and you can extend it when it expires.

Generally, qualifying dependents - family members - include:

●        Your spouse, civil partner, or unmarried partner

●        Your children under 18

Some visas allow room for other dependents like unmarried children over 18. Each dependent will apply for separate visas, although they'll all use your visa application number. 

UK employers will need a sponsor licence to employ you, residing outside the country. In addition, the job position you’re filling should be suitable for sponsorship. Hence, to apply for a sponsor licence, your employer must prove your job meets a certain skill level and suitable salary rate, among other requirements.

After getting the sponsorship licence, your employer will issue you a Certificate of Sponsorship. This certificate is important for your visa application.

●      Processing Your Visa

Before you start your visa application, make sure you confirm your job offer via the Certificate of Sponsorship. Also, you should apply at least 3 months before you're to start work in the UK. UK visa application is completed online.

The first stage is completing the online form. Your family members will do the same. However, it’s safe for them to wait until you have your visa before applying. Visas for dependents take far lesser time to process than the sponsor’s visa.

Submitting supporting documents is one of the key UK visa requirements. The exact documents depend on your visa type but usually include:

●        Certificate of Sponsorship from employer (or the reference number)

●        Employer’s sponsorship licence number

●        Valid international passport

●        Proof of English proficiency - for this, you'll have to pass a Secure English Language Test like the IELTS.

●        Proof of funds to support your stay (this is exempt if your employer agrees to support you)

●        Police reports (for certain jobs)

●        Academic and other professional qualifications that show you qualify for the job position

●        Marriage or civil partnership certificate to prove your relationship with your spouse or civil partner. For an unmarried partnership, you must prove that you’ve been in the relationship for at least 2 years.

●        Birth certificate or other records to prove the relationship with your child

The UK Immigration officials will only process your visa after you pay the application fee. The cost depends on your visa type and circumstances. Your family members will also pay separately for each visa. In addition, you might need to pay a healthcare surcharge. After processing your visa application, you’ll get an email notification on what to do next if approved.

In some cases, you (and your family members after they get their visa) will have to schedule an appointment at the visa application centre to verify your identity. Also, you may have to get a biometric residence permit depending on your visa type.

●      Moving To The UK

Having gotten your visas, you can now migrate to the UK. Your family members can travel with you or join you later. They have the right to enter the UK so long as your visa remains valid. Likewise, their visas expire on the same day as yours. Before travelling to the UK, prepare your documents, most especially your international passport and visa.

Your visa alone doesn’t permit you to enter the UK; you must pass border control at the port of entry. The immigration officers will confirm your visa and take note of your entry and visa expiry dates.

While in the UK, your family members can work in the UK for most work visa types. Although they have full access to the UK labour market and may work any job and at any level, there are some restrictions on professional occupations. Furthermore, your children can attend private or state schools in the UK; there are no restrictions on studying.

After staying and working in the UK for 5 years, if your visa permits, you can apply for indefinite leave to remain. If you're on an Innovator or Global Talent visa, 3 years is enough, while tier 1 visas can be 2 or 3 years.

Indefinite leave to remain is permanent residence in the UK; you can live, work and study for as long as you like. You can as well apply for benefits you qualify for and subsequently apply for British citizenship. Your family members can also apply for settlement so long as they’ve lived for the required number of years.

Bottom Line

Planning and knowing what to expect is an advantage if you want to move to the UK with your family. The information in this post will set you on the right path.