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Proven Ways To Boost Testosterone

While testosterone is generally known as the male sex hormone, it is also present in small amounts in females. This is a hormone that is a steroid hormone. It is produced in the testicles of men and women’s ovaries. The adrenal glands are also responsible for producing small amounts of testosterone. 

When boys hit puberty, it is testosterone that is the main driver of some of the physical changes that take place at that age. This includes things such as an increase in muscle mass, deepening of the voice, and also the growth of hair. It should, however, be noted that having proper amounts of testosterone is also necessary for when a boy becomes an adult. It is also needed when that boy reaches old age.

Proper amounts of testosterone in adults are important for a number of things. It is needed to maintain their general health, reduce the risk of diseases, sexual capabilities, and almost about everything else as well. Furthermore, when there is an increase in the levels of testosterone, we can see rapid gains in the amount of muscle mass. We also see increased vitality in a matter of only a few weeks.  

It is also very interesting to note that testosterone also plays an important role in the health of females and also their sexual well-being. The science behind the entire argument is pretty solid. Both two genders need to be actively involved in maintaining proper testosterone levels in their body and especially so as they age. Below, we will take a closer look at some of the most well-known and proven ways to increase the levels of testosterone in the body.


Exercise and Lift Weights 

If you already did not know this, then congratulations on your newfound knowledge. Exercise happens to be one of the best ways to fight off many diseases that are related to a person’s lifestyle. Interestingly enough, it also has the potential to boost the levels of testosterone in the body.  

There are quite a few studies that have looked at the relationship between exercise and testosterone levels. All of these studies came to the same conclusive results. People who are physically active and exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone than those who do not. In the people of the older demographic, exercise can increase not only testosterone but also help with general fitness and reaction times.  

Studies have also shown that in men who are obese, physical activity was much more beneficial for increased levels of testosterone than even a weight loss diet. Training that makes use of some form of resistance, such as lifting weights, is known to be the most effective form of exercise that can boost testosterone levels in the body. HIIT training can also be very effective for this type of boost in testosterone levels. If you can combine caffeine and some form of creatine monohydrate and take them as supplements, that can really help you achieve your goals a lot as well.


Light and Vitamin D Can Be Crucial 

Within the span of the last few years, vitamin D has quickly claimed its spot as one of the most popular vitamins out there in the market. This is not without cause at all, as a lot of research has shown that the vitamin has numerous health benefits. It also has the ability and the potential to work as a natural booster of testosterone. If you are not getting enough sunlight due to staying home most of the time, you may suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Light therapy can help cover for that. Moreover, backed by peer-reviewed scientific data, red light therapy is proven to be effective in treating low testosterone levels.

Despite the clear benefits and importance of this vitamin, a very significant amount of people in the States happen to be deficient in vitamin D. Another very frustrating statistic is that an even larger part of the population has vitamin D at levels that can best be described as sub-optimal.  

A year-long study was able to determine that getting around 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day can increase the production of testosterone in the body by as much as 25%. That really is quite a lot and can do wonders for people who have low levels of testosterone.  

Other studies show that when the elderly get enough vitamin D and calcium, they can get optimized testosterone levels. This also had the additional benefit of reducing the risk of falling. All of this points to the fact that we all need Vitamin D in proper amounts for not just sexual functioning but also just for general well-being as well. And in order to get the proper amounts of the vitamin, proper exposure to sunlight is what is on the agenda.  

Unfortunately, a lot of people, due to many reasons, are not able to get prolonged exposure to sunlight daily. This is where light therapy can really do wonders and be a lifesaver. The way light therapy works is by simulating the natural light of the outdoors in an indoor setting. So, from the comfort of your own home and at the time that is the best for you, you can get your daily dose of required vitamin D from light therapy.