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Why Cats Are The Ideal First Family Pet For Kids

If you are looking for a first pet for your kid, look no further than a cat. Guinea pigs and hamsters are, let’s face it, not exactly affectionate, and dogs are very demanding – but a cat sits nicely in the middle. They are low-key, friendly enough, have basic needs to be met, and exist in their own right within a home setting. Keep reading to find out the case for cats being the ideal first family pet for kids.

Low Maintenance

A low maintenance pet is a good option for busy families. You don’t have to walk a cat and a cat won’t tend to follow you around the house like a little furry shadow. Though they will let you know when they want something, a cat is less of a constant companion and more of an autonomous entity that calls upon you as and when they require a thing. Aside from litter training, there is no need for command training sessions and they are even good at self-care.

The Cute Factor

Every kid wants a pet they can say ‘aw’ at – and a cat fits the bill. The most common domestic cats include breeds such as ragdolls and they look cute and come in a variety of colours. Though they don’t require constant input when it comes to games and interactions, cats will enjoy a play session from time to time, which only adds to their cuteness factor.

Teach Responsibility in a Lowkey Manner

Unlike a dog, a cat is quite lowkey. If your reasoning for getting a pet is to teach some lessons in general responsibilities then felines are the parent jackpot. There is an opportunity in cat ownership to teach responsibility in a low-pressure way. Cats need their food and water filling up and maybe their litter tray emptied if you have one. They might need a game or a stroke from time to time, but certainly not on the scale that dogs do. They are the perfect level of just right for children.

Easy to Feed

Cats have a fairly basic diet that can be adjusted easily. It is recommended to go with a low-grain diet option like Reveal pet food, a completely natural food option. Their wet food emphasises the importance of naturally sourced ingredients for felines and nurtures their health by avoiding harmful ingredients like grain, which can cause indigestion and other serious health issues. They also offer a treat range, which is ideal as cats do like a treat now and then. This provides another great way for a child to understand looking after something.

Getting a pet is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Regardless of the animal, it is a huge commitment and will require money, time, and energy. That being said, the right pet will fit in nicely in any family home and cats could definitely be just that. Their low maintenance, independent lifestyle means fewer extra demands on an already overflowing schedule while providing a fluffy and level companion.