3 Easy Steps For Hair Grooming At Home

It is a well-known fact that men prefer to be ready in under five minutes when heading out the door. With the restrictions that the grooming and barbering industry are currently facing, more and more adults had to style their hair and beard. This makes their five minute goal a bit more difficult to achieve.  

Some of the results took over the internet in the form of memes. To achieve this objective successfully and not become a meme, we came up with a short list of hairstyling and grooming tips for all the men who want to take better care of themselves in 2021!  

So, without further ado, here is our listicle of quick improvements you can make in your daily routine that will have a cool impact on the long term. 

1. Invest in a Good Shampoo

Say goodbye to 3 in 1 cosmetic products! If you want to take your appearance seriously, start researching what type of hair care your strands need. Or if you have dry hair that reacts badly to alcohol-based shampoos, iIf you're buying a hair product from Cantu for instance, you should ask yourself, "Is Cantu Bad for My Hair?". This way, you're able to avoid products that are unhealthy for your hair. You might have a dry type of hair that could use a little more moisture or problems with hair loss that you need to resolve.  

Using a highly perfumed body wash as shampoo is no good when you want to achieve healthier locks. Have a conversation with your hairstylist or barber and ask for recommendations or start reading reviews about what certain hair care brands can provide. Learn about the way your scalp and roots could benefit when showering daily or less frequently, depending on how oily your scalp is and the overall length of your hair.   

You could try using menthol-oil based hair products. Not only do they work as a wake-up call when hitting the shower at 7 in the morning, but they also help the skin in the long term. If you have a dry, itchy scalp it can also bring a sense of relief and it can help with dandruff.

2. Use a Natural Hairbrush/Hair Comb

Before we get to the combing part, always remember to be gentle on your hair when you dry it! Forget about applying a towel on your wet hair immediately after jumping out of the shower. Instead, choose to tap gently and wait for a couple of minutes to let the extra-water come out and then use the blow-dryer.  

It can be of great help in the long term to invest in a wooden hairbrush or a quality hair comb so that you are left with a cool hairstyle at the same time. To finish off, apply a bit of hair pomade or a hair gel and you are ready to impress everyone with your fresh appearance. Stand proud and smile! You are ready to conquer the world now!

3. Trim Often to Maintain a Reasonable Length

If you prefer to keep a short length you can watch a couple of haircutting tutorials on YouTube or ask for your barber’s advice via Zoom if the barbershops in your area are still under lockdown restrictions. Take a glance at ManHaircuts to gather some inspo on various haircuts you could try. Get those scissors and start working yourself if all other options fail! Avoiding hair breakage is equally important for men as it is for women, if not even more.

Give it Time

No matter where you are on your journey with your hair look, make sure to consider these three little rules that can make you feel and look a lot better. Good results take time, and these grooming tips are a significant improvement you can bring to your day-to-day routine! Confidence starts with good looks!