3 Simple Steps For Stopping Diarrhea

It’s not a comfortable situation, but diarrhea strikes even the toughest of men. When it does, it pays to know how to combat this tummy thug.

From rehydrating to taking probiotics for men, there are things that you can do to free yourself from diarrhea worries.

Learning about diarrhea 

Some men find it taboo to talk about things that make it look like they’re weak. This includes getting hit with diarrhea. You may think it’s embarrassing, especially when you’re caught off-guard, but it shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. 

A person has diarrhea if he passes loose or watery stools for more than twice or thrice a day. 

It can affect everyone. It can happen to children and adults.  

Diarrhea may be caused by several factors such as bacterial or viral infection, parasitic organisms from contaminated food or water, and malnutrition. Poor personal hygiene, unsafe water handling and storage, unhygienic food preparation, and some medications are also possible causes of diarrhea. Others get travelers’ diarrhea from ingesting tainted or unsanitary food or water.

Diarrhea is a common enough problem that usually goes away on its own after two to three days.  

You can follow these three simple steps to help alleviate the symptoms of common diarrhea:

1.     Hydrate 

Because diarrhea can lead to fluid loss, you need to make sure that you drink lots of water. You can also consume clear liquids like salty broths or certain fruit juices. Some fruit juices like apple juice are said to make diarrhea worse. Coconut water would be a good alternative. 

To replace lost electrolytes like sodium and chloride, your doctor may prescribe oral rehydration salts. You can also make your own oral rehydration solution by mixing half a teaspoon of salt and six teaspoons of sugar into a liter of water. 

Some people who cannot tolerate drinking liquids during this time (liquids could be making them vomit) are put on an IV drip to replace lost fluids.

2.     Watch what you eat 

People with diarrhea should be watchful of their diet. It is best to avoid food and drinks that can aggravate the condition. This includes very hot drinks, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and carbonated beverages. 

Food like beans, cabbage, and raw fruits or vegetables must also be avoided when you have diarrhea. The same goes for food that is too oily, fatty, or spicy. 

Instead, it is recommended that you eat small, frequent meals a day that may include cooked soft vegetables, boiled potatoes, unseasoned crackers, rice porridge or hot cereals. You can also follow the BRAT diet – a combination of Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. This special diet is said to help replace nutrients that you lost either from diarrhea or vomiting. It can also help firm up your stools.

3.     Take probiotics 

You can also take probiotic food and supplements. Probiotics are said to help digestion by providing a balance of bad and good bacteria in the gut. There are certain types of live microorganisms such as Bacillus clausii that are found to be effective in aiding digestive health. Aside from restoring the balance of gut flora, this particular strain is known to effectively relieve symptoms and reduce the duration of diarrhea. 

While yogurt and kefir are popular probiotic food choices, some say that dairy products may actually irritate the digestive system. Non-dairy examples of foods that are rich in probiotics are miso and sauerkraut

It would be best to go for an oral suspension or a sachet of probiotics instead of going for the usual dairy food options.

How to tell if it’s more serious

While it is rarely life-threatening, when left untreated, diarrhea can lead to complications. If it happens often and usually lasts for at least a month (chronic diarrhea), then it may be a symptom of an underlying illness. It is best to see a doctor when this happens. Severe episodes may lead to extreme fluid loss. In this situation, it becomes a threat to life, especially to children or people with impaired immunity or malnutrition. 

Other signs that you should seek professional medical help

·      It lasts for more than two days (for adults). For children with diarrhea, take the child to a doctor if it lasts for more than 24 hours.

·      You have severe pain in the abdomen or rectum

·      You have signs of dehydration such as thirst, irritability, restlessness, sunken eyes, or lethargy

·      High fever (102 degrees or higher)

·      Stools that are black, tarry, with blood or pus

Free and easy 

If you want to enjoy a carefree day without worrying about making several harried trips to the toilet, then it is best to heed the suggestions mentioned above. The above-mentioned tips on how to flush away your tummy troubles will help you regain your health. 

For a diarrhea-free day, stay hydrated, eat properly, and pick a probiotic that is just right for you.