4 Reasons To Avoid Drinking While Driving

Driving while intoxicated poses significant risks to your personal life, career, relationships, and freedom. Safe driving is the best way to protect yourself facing legal, financial, and health problems when you’re on the road. Learn the reasons why you should avoid driving while intoxicated (DWI) below:

1.      Avoid Facing Legal Consequences

Drunk driving is considered a serious crime that poses several legal consequences, including the following:

  • Jail Time: DWI is legally classified as a misdemeanor, which is punishable by six months to one year imprisonment in most states. Many states also require several number of days minimum jail sentences on a first offense. Higher levels of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and DWI-related accidents can affect jail time.

  • Fines: DWI conviction results in fines, ranging from $500–2,000. Aggravating factors can increase fines which vary by state.

  • Driver's License Problems: Getting caught drinking while driving may cause license suspension and revocation. The suspension period differs, ranging from six months to three years. A revoked driver’s license means the license has been canceled and cannot be reinstated because of multiple driving offenses, like DWIs.

  • Other Forms of Punishment: Alternative sentencing options include undergoing treatment rehabilitation for substance abuse, seminars, and community service. Instead of imprisonment or paying fines, a first offender is given alternative punishment. The judge might also combine alternative sentencing options with other penalties.

If you need legal help for a DWI case, find a trusted lawyer with years of experience dealing with such cases in the state where the incident happened. A car accident lawyer will help you deal with any consequences that may come your way, and hopefully, lessen the burden.

2.      Safe Journey

You can enjoy a safer and more fun trip if you’re free from alcohol or any substance that can distort your thinking and perception. Avoid drinking and driving and you’ll likely keep everyone safe on the road. You also become a good role model to your passengers, like your children.

If you can’t help drinking during special occasions, you can call a licensed driver to take you home. You can also stay in a nearby hotel or park your car in a safe area to take a rest. Don’t compromise your safety with drunk driving.

  • 3.      Avoid Obvious Behavior Alterations

According to a study, drivers aren’t usually aware of the risk when driving under the influence of alcohol because they don’t encounter a traffic accident whenever they drink and drive. They think that drunk driving doesn’t pose danger because they believe they can always control the situation.

On the contrary, drinking while driving causes obvious behavior alternations that affect a driver’s physical skills needed for safe driving, such as the following:

Altered Perception: It causes visual problems, such as not noticing blind spots and vehicles cutting off along the sides.

Lack of Coordination: Drunk driving causes eyes and extremities coordination problems, which leads to delayed reaction time, such as when a vehicle in front of you suddenly stops.

Poor Judgment: Alcohol, even in little amounts, may affect thought processes, causing poor judgment and impulsive driving behavior.

Even if you feel confident in your ability to drive after drinking, physiologically there is no way you have avoided these side effects, so it is best to just not risk it.

4.      Avoid Pain and Suffering

Drunk driving poses a serious risk to yourself and to others. Accidents can result from such actions, which means spending money, time, and effort for hospitalization and long-term rehabilitation treatment for severe injuries.

When you avoid drinking while driving, you also avoid pain and suffering associated with the following:

Financial Obligations: The insurance company can use your drunk driving condition as a good reason to deny your claim and make you liable for providing compensation to accident victims. Just imagine the financial and legal consequences you’ll face if this happens.

Career Problems: Your career might suffer if you have to face a DWI conviction and personal injury case due to an accident. It would mean missing days going to work and a bad mark on your record. If you’re aiming for a promotion, it could also be jeopardized because of a DWI case.

Health Problems: Aside from the intoxicating effects of alcoholism, you can suffer from other health issues associated with alcoholism, such as chronic liver and kidney disease. Psychological health issues may also arise if alcoholism is not controlled, such as depression and mood disorders.

Aggressive Driving: For some drivers, alcohol can increase blood pressure and cause more blood to pump through brain and veins, Not to mention, it is a common symptom that aggressive drivers show. So, this is another reason to avoid driving after drinking. You can find out more about the consequences related to aggressive driving online.


Avoid drinking while driving because you will only suffer in the end. You’re probably not getting caught doing it, but once you do, you might face jail time and pay hefty fines. Drunk driving accidents and being convicted of DWI can result to long-term pain and suffering, affecting your family and career. Choose safe driving by being alcohol-free when you’re on the road.