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5 Items Every Man Should Carry In His Pockets

You wouldn’t want to be caught in the rain without an umbrella, and the same priority must be carried over to your pockets. There are some items that you wouldn’t want to leave home without. No matter where you are in the world, you want to be ready for what life throws at you, and if all you have in your pocket is a screwed up piece of tissue and a long forgotten toffee, you aren’t going to get very far. Therefore, we have compiled a list of items that we damn near consider essential. These are what you should be carrying in your pockets.

A wallet

A bit of a no-brainer, after all, you need something to keep your credit cards, money, and your various forms of ID in. However, you won’t impress anybody if you pull out something moth eaten from your pockets, so invest in something stylish. We particularly like the wallets at www.ibricraft.com, so take a peek, and buy something that suits your look and lifestyle.

A swiss army knife

The tool for any occasion, for inside and outside of the home. A flipper knife, bottle opener, corkscrew, and a pair of scissors, all in one. The opportunities are endless, and you need never be stuck in a tight spot again if you carry one of these around with you like an amateur MacGyver.

A comb

A travel sized comb will fit easily into your pocket, and this is one item that is a must-carry for anybody trying to keep their sense of style. On your way to an important business meeting but the wind has mussed up your hair? Simple, whip out the comb and style it back into shape. Want to look good on date night? As well as reading our advice at www.everythingfordads.com, you should also carry your comb with you, so you don’t embarrass your lady friend when you’re wining and dining her during the evening.

A pen and notebook

Okay, so smartphones do most things these days, but when you need to do something quickly, such as jot down a phone number or sign a form, you are going to need a pen to stop you getting into a flutter. You will look far more professional if you add a notebook to your pen, so have a look at the stylish options on www.moleskine.com to find something that fits your pocket. You never know when inspiration might strike, and having a notebook at hand will be just the thing to get your thoughts down before you forget them forever.

A handkerchief

Perfect for your top shirt or jacket pocket, a handkerchief is useful for any number of reasons. Wipe your brow on a particularly hot day, maintain your runny nose, or hand over as a chivalrous gesture to your fellow man (or woman) when they realise they don’t have one of their own. Manners maketh a man, so they say, and so does a well-kept handkerchief, perfect for any occasion and able to wipe away any embarrassing sweat, snot, and stains at a moment’s notice!

So, what do you keep in your pockets? Let us know what you consider essential. Thanks for reading!