5 Tips For Motivating Yourself To Work Out Before And After A Tummy Tuck

One thing that patients should remember about any kind of plastic surgery—including tummy tuck surgery, explains Portland’s Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery—is that the work doesn’t end after you’ve actually had the procedure. A tummy tuck isn’t meant to be a weight loss strategy, so surgeons prefer that you be close to your ideal weight and in a good state of overall health before having the surgery. Plus, getting a tummy tuck doesn’t mean you’ll be able to slack off after you’ve healed. Bad habits can cause you to gain weight in other areas and even “undo” your results.

While hot weather doesn’t necessarily mean better workouts, when the days start warming up and the flowers are out for spring, it’s only natural that you feel more motivated to work out. However, it can often be a struggle to start exercising again after a long, dreary winter. If you’re finding it difficult to get yourself back on track or get past a slump, here are five ways to encourage yourself to get back into your routine. Just remember to double up on hydration and try to limit your sun exposure if you’re exercising in warmer temperatures.

1. Set Doable Goals

Your state of mind is important if you’re starting a new routine. One of the best ways of staying focused is to start by asking yourself why you want to work out. People usually have the most success with workouts when their goals are based on improving their overall wellbeing. Additionally, instead of focusing on big goals that can seem overwhelming—such as losing 15 pounds or being able to run for miles—start with some smaller, more manageable goals like walking for 10 minutes or doing five push-ups every day. You can build from there.

2. Avoid Overthinking It

Unless you’re injured or sick, if you decide you feel like exercising, just go for it. When you spend too much time weighing your options, it’s easy to end up convincing yourself of good reasons why you can skip your activity for the day.

3. Be Disciplined

Ultimately, sticking to a workout might come down to being disciplined instead of just doing whatever feels right at the time. If you’re not having fun or feel sluggish, keep thinking about how good you’ll feel after the workout is over, or convince yourself that exercising is just another habit you need to do to stay healthy, like brushing your teeth.

4. Put Together a Playlist

Listening to music on your smartphone will not only help you to feel less bored when you’re on the treadmill or stationary bike, but has also been shown to increase your stamina, put you in a better mood, and enhance your performance in other ways. Regularly update your playlist to avoid getting tired of the same set of songs, and keep yourself entertained. The type of music you choose is also important. Although you can’t go wrong with keeping some of your favorite old classics, high-intensity, high-tempo songs are usually best if you want to encourage yourself during more challenging or longer workouts.

5. Get Support from Others

Having friends, family, co-workers, or others to cheer you on can be a great way of staying focused and consistent. It can also be highly beneficial to have a workout buddy with similar goals to yourself, even if you’re doing different types of workouts. By being more social, you won’t feel like you’re on your own—not to mention, the friendly competition will encourage you to work harder, your friend will hold you accountable, and you’ll probably have more fun compared to exercising by yourself.

Ready to transform your appearance and sculpt your best body? Swimsuit season is still a ways away, but you can get optimal results by starting your training early. Get more details on tummy tuck surgery from The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery by calling 503-882-0124, or complete a contact form to request a consultation.