5 Tips To Ensure Good Health For Your Chickens This Winter

Raising healthy chickens takes a lot of hard work, specifically during extreme weather conditions. While these are relatively hardy birds, you cannot expect them to thrive when temperatures drop sub-zero. The weaker members of your flock may even fall sick in the cold weather. You need to do your best to keep them warm in the first place. It is equally vital to address health issues early before they affect the entire brood. Here are some tips that ensure good health for your chickens in harsh winters.

Keep the coop well-ventilated

Ideally, you will want to keep your coop warm and insulated as the outdoor temperature plummets. But make sure that the coop is well ventilated because reduced airflow can cause serious problems such as ammonia build-up. Replacing the warm and moisture-laden air with cooler, drier air cuts down the humidity levels. It also prevents mold formation in the chicken bedding. Place the vents towards the roof so that the cold air does not flow directly onto your birds.

Minimize drafts

Ventilation is crucial to keep your birds healthy, but you must work on minimizing drafts. Wind chill can speed up the heat loss from your coop. Sealing the air leaks is the only way to save the chickens from the extreme cold at night. There are relatively fewer leaks in new coops, but you must identify and repair the ones in an old coop. You only need to screw a plywood piece over the holes to prevent drafts.

Provide adequate nutrition

In summer or winter, chicken health depends on providing them with adequate nutrition. Feed them regularly on time, but toss a few handfuls of scratch grains before bedtime. The extra nutrition keeps them warm overnight, as digesting the grains stimulates energy production in their tiny bodies. Hydration is equally crucial, so install a new Chicken Waterer for Winter to address the freezing concern. These specialized waterers ensure that your birds get their water supply consistently, even as the temperatures drop below freezing levels.

Trap heat with sunlight

As days get shorter during winter, retaining the heat inside your coop seems like a challenge. But you utilize sunlight to trap heat during the day. Once you have enough heat, your coop stays warm even during the darker hours. Proper insulation for the windows enables them to work as a sun trap, making it a worthy investment for the season. Insulate on time and have a healthy brood throughout the year.

Protect against frostbite

Chicken breeds with large combs and wattles are susceptible to frostbite during the coldest months. You must know your flock well enough to understand the risk factor for them. You need not worry much as long as you keep the coop warm and insulated. Exposure to adequate sunlight also helps. Using petroleum jelly to cover their combs and wattles is a good way to prevent frostbite.

These simple measures are often enough to keep your birds healthy and happy throughout the winter months. Maintain the coop and give attention to your flock, and you need not worry at all.