5 Values To Pass Onto Your Children

As a parent, it's your job to mold your child's future values. Although you may not be able to entirely control who they become, you certainly have an influence, and as such it's an important responsibility you should take seriously. If you've been wondering what kind of a legacy you want to leave behind for your children, then consider instilling the importance of the following values.

Hard Work

There's something to be said about people who are willing to work hard. Not the same standards as Kim Kardashian's “hard work” ethic, but good old-fashioned roll your sleeves up hard work. Teach your children the importance of getting a job done themselves. Whether it's carrying heavy loads, or walking long distances, encourage your child to sweat. The most successful people are the ones that are willing to put in the strenuous effort. Raise kids who are willing to do the same!


Communication is an important part of any relationship. Whether it's your children's relationship with their parents, their friends, or their future spouse. Encourage your kids to communicate how they're feeling, and use their words to convey an idea. One of the best ways to encourage communication is to lead by example. 

Normalize talking about the way that you feel, and have important conversations about life. Don't dance around subjects, get specific, and be honest. Communication skills can be incredibly useful for their future careers as well.


Nowadays, kids are so accustomed to getting whatever they want, that many of them have lost the ability to be grateful. Teach your children that getting what you want is only half of the battle. The real trick to happiness is appreciating what you have once you have it. 

Encourage your children to look around every day and show gratitude for at least one thing. The more you can teach them the art of being thankful, the happier they'll be throughout their life.


There's a lot to be said about the power of having an open mind. The more you can teach your children to accept different mentalities, and cultures, the more tolerant they'll be overall as people. Again, leading by example can be one of the most powerful ways to achieve passing on this value.  It's only by opening our minds to other ways of thinking and being that we can grow as people and learn more about the world around us.

Doing The Right Thing

Far too many people are so concerned with following the crowd that they forget the importance of doing the right thing. Teach your children how important it is to stand for what they believe in not just follow what everybody else is doing. If everybody did more of that, the world would be a better place overall!