7 Lesser-Known Tips For Weight Loss Prior To Liposuction


Although liposuction removes fat from the body, it should not be viewed as a weight loss procedure. It’s simply a way to address contour irregularities by having diet-resistant fat removed from localized spots. That means patients who want to get healthier and improve a condition like obesity need to consider something other than liposuction. The Philadelphia area’s Chapin Aesthetics team explains that patients who want both—to lose weight for health reasons and to get body-contouring surgery—should make changes to their lifestyle before considering plastic surgery. There are several reasons why liposuction on its own isn’t a good technique for treating obesity (there are numerous other weight loss treatments available in the United Kingdom, you can visit Tonic Weight Loss Surgery to learn more about them).

For one thing, patients only lose between two to five pounds on average after having liposuction, so they can’t expect a dramatic weight loss from the procedure. Additionally, humans have two types of fat in the body: the soft, visible subcutaneous fat that sits just under the skin on any given area, and the hidden, visceral fat—sometimes referred to as “hard belly fat”—that surrounds the organs. Liposuction is only intended for removing subcutaneous fat and cannot get to visceral fat.

Even after you have liposuction to permanently remove some fat, you can’t sit back and do nothing—or worse, start up with unhealthy habits—and expect to preserve your new look. Patients still need to maintain a balanced lifestyle and a stable weight to enjoy the results from the treatment long term.

Ideal candidates for the surgery are patients who are within 30 percent of their goal body weight, who have good muscle tone and elastic skin, and have have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or less. They should be in a good state of overall health without any serious illnesses that could impair healing. Therefore, patients may have to lose 20 or 30 pounds and maintain a stable weight before they are considered candidates for the procedure. Continue reading for seven outside-the-box ways to lose weight that you may not have heard of before. Please keep in mind that any diet or change to routine should be discussed with a nutritionist, dietary specialist, or similar medical professional to ensure you are making healthy changes.

1. Restrict Your Eating Window

A lot of people who are up very early or stay awake for very long hours tend to snack more often. Time-restricted eating, also referred to as intermittent fasting, is one non-traditional way of shedding extra pounds. Keep the timeframe when you’re consuming calories as small as possible, such as an eight- to nine-hour window for having all of your meals for the day.

2. Change the Environment You’re In

The lighting, noise, and colors in the room around you, along with the area where you’re eating, are all believed to have an impact on how much you eat. Some studies suggest that people consume fewer calories when they eat in dimmer lighting with quieter, more soothing music. Eating in a room with blue walls, dinnerware, and lighting could also help to cut down your appetite. Sit at the end of the table to avoid sharing plates at the center that could tempt you to overeat.

3. Write in a Journal

It can often be challenging to judge what a healthy portion size is, and many people underestimate how many calories they’re consuming. Keeping a food diary helps you to have a better understanding of what you’re eating every day, as well as your eating patterns.

4. Get Rid of Distractions

When your mind is on other things while eating or you have a habit of snacking during certain activities such as watching TV, it could cause you to put on some weight. Avoid multitasking and focus on the process of just eating when you have a meal.

5. Control Your Stress

A rise in stress hormones in the body leads to more fat storage. Try to do some deep breathing and chill out just before your next meal.

6. Sleep for Longer Hours

Most Americans simply aren’t getting enough sleep. When you have a late night, you tend to snack more the next day.

7. Downsize Your Dinnerware

Consider using smaller serving spoons and plates as a way of effortlessly consuming less food over time.

Thinking of having liposuction and wanting to know more about how to prepare? To learn more about the benefits of this body contouring treatment, call Chapin Aesthetics at 267.880.0810 or fill out a contact form online.