7 Ways To Keep Your Smile Healthy This Summer

No matter who you are or what your smile is like, there are so many ways to keep your oral health in check this summer both for the aesthetics of having a beautiful smile and so you can feel great in your own body. Of course, summer is just like any other time of the year in terms of oral hygiene — you still need to brush twice a day, and you still need to avoid the same foods you usually would. However, with the hectic and carefree nature that summertime can often bring, you may want to pay a bit of extra attention to your oral health, whether you’re vacationing or chilling with your family at home. 

Now is as good a time as any to start taking care of your oral health a bit better than you have. And even if that means keeping up with just one or two of these tips, you may notice a huge difference. Here are just a few of the ways you can use this summer to keep your smile healthier than before.

1.  Floss Daily 

Okay, this tip works all year long, but a reminder can’t hurt. Especially with the amount that people forget to floss, remembering to floss at least once a day can really revolutionize your oral health. In the summer, you may find yourself at sleepovers, beach getaways and barbeques, and if you do, bringing along some floss is never a bad idea.

This dentist who does dental bridges in Stafford VA recommends flossing before you hit the sack. Additionally, if dental floss is not your thing, you can always use interdental brushes.

2.  Don’t Skip Your Cleaning 

The summertime can get busy, but that’s no excuse to skip your teeth cleaning. Too many people skip their dental appointments, don’t take proper care of their oral health or don’t go to the dentist as often as they should. In fact, 69% of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost one or more permanent teeth, which definitely warrants dental attention. Whether you think something may be wrong or you have a regular cleaning scheduled, go. It’s worth it. So book a consultation now to either get deep cleaning or get your crown fitted at this dentist in Temple terrace florida during the summer.

3.  Drink More Water 

Water is the healthiest drink for your body, and while plenty of oral hygiene tips urge people to avoid coffee, tea and red wine, one of the best ways to actually enact that is by drinking more water. Not only does it hydrate you and fill you up, but tapwater also comes with a daily dose of fluoride, which is good for the health of your teeth and can prevent tooth decay.

4.  Make This Your Year to Quit Smoking 

Unfortunately, smoking can damage many areas of your health, including your dental health. It can cause tooth decay, sores and yellowing of the teeth — none of which are conducive to a healthy smile. If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, this could be the year to do it! While you may need a bit of external support from a doctor, therapist or mental health professional, quitting smoking can have a worthwhile impact on your health for the rest of your life, so it’s worth taking the plunge — no matter when or how you start.

5.  See Your Dentist Quickly In an Emergency 

Summertime can also lead to some funny stories and interesting mishaps. Wherever your adventures take you, it can be crucial to see a dentist in an emergency if you think you may need dental attention. Even if you aren’t sure you’ll need dental attention, making sure is a better way to be safe than sorry.

6.  Eat More Fiber 

Your diet can play a role in your oral health, beyond the external factors of staining and discoloration. Some of the best foods and ingredients you can eat to boost your oral health are foods rich in fiber. This means fresh plant based foods, fruits and vegetables. Fiber essentially aids in healthy saliva production, which can protect your teeth from damage and decay. The summer is also the perfect time to eat a bit more fiber, as fresh fruits and vegetables can taste especially good in the hot weather!

7.  Invest In an Electric Toothbrush 

Having a quality toothbrush is one of the best ways to make sure your oral healthcare at home is top-notch. While you don’t need to get an electric toothbrush, the can make a thorough brush-through much easier than it could be without it. You can ask your dentist for recommendations or do a bit of research on your own to find the best one for you!

Keeping Your Smile Healthy This Summer 

Keeping your oral health in check should be among your top priorities all year long, but if you’re looking to get started this summer, it’s as good a time as any. Whether you start flossing daily, eat more fiber or simply find an electric toothbrush you love, there are so many ways to get healthy with your smile this year. What is your favorite oral health tip?