8 Tips And Tricks For Greater Exposure On Instagram

Exposure is one of the main goals for anyone using Instagram to build a business. As you build your following and interact with other users, you want to ensure that as many people see your photos as possible.

There are many options available to help you grow your reach on Instagram. If you intend to buy real followers for your account, you'll still need some great content to help expand your reach and give your followers something to like, share, and comment on.

Here are eight tips and tricks for getting more exposure on Instagram:

1.  Use Popular Hashtags To Get Your Photos Seen By More People

One of the best ways to get more exposure on Instagram is to use popular hashtags.

When you use popular hashtags, more people will see your photos, and you will also have a chance to be featured on the Explore page. But how do hashtags work?

When you tag your photo with a specific keyword when you use a hashtag, your photo will come up in the results when someone searches for that keyword.

For example, if you use the hashtag #love, your photo will come up whenever someone searches for that term. If you want to get more exposure, you should use popular hashtags that have a large number of searches.

You can find popular hashtags by using a hashtag research tool like Website. If you're in a popular niche, there may be some apparent hashtags you can find from other users in your industry.

2.  Create A Consistent Theme For Your Account

If you want to get more exposure on Instagram, you need to create a consistent theme for your account. Your photos should all have a similar style, and they should all be related to a specific topic.

For example, if you are a travel photographer, all of your photos should be about travel. If you have a consistent theme, people will be more likely to follow you because they know what to expect from your account.

There are some basic but effective ways to keep your photos consistent. For example, you can use the same filter for all of your photos, or you can post photos that are all in the same color scheme. You can also post photos taken in the exact location or lighting styles to keep your business and theme running consistently.

3.  Most Interesting And Engaging Photos

If you want to get more exposure on Instagram, you need to post interesting and engaging photos. Your photos should tell a story, and they should be interesting enough to stop people from scrolling through their feed.

Your photos should also be visually appealing, and they should be well-composed. If your photos are uninteresting, people will not want to follow you. Sometimes it can be a great idea to produce content that invites feedback from your followers.

If you take feedback, there is a much higher chance that your followers will engage with your photos. Deciding your content and planning in advance can also help to make sure your photos are exciting and engaging.

4.  Use Calls To Action In Your Captions

If you want people to take action after looking at your photo, you need to use a call to action in your caption. A call to action is simply a sentence or phrase that tells people what to do next.

For example, if you want people to visit your Website, you could say something like, "click the link in my bio to visit my website." If you want people to enter your contest, then you could say something like, "like this photo and tag three friends to enter our contest."

Using calls to action can be a great way to get more exposure, and it can also help you achieve your other goals. For example, if you want to increase your website traffic, you can use a call to action to get people to visit your site.

5.  Geotag Your Photos For Greater Exposure

Geotagging your photos is a great way to get more exposure on Instagram. Geotagging is simply the process of tagging your location when you post a photo.

When you geotag your photos, they will be visible to people searching for that location. For example, if you take a photo in New York City and you geotag it, your photo will come up whenever someone searches for "New York City."

Geotagging can also be a great way to get exposure if you try to reach people in a specific location. For example, if you are a business trying to reach people in your city, you should geotag your photos.

6.  Use Filters To Enhance The Look Of Your Photos

If you want to make your photos look more professional, you should use filters. Filters can enhance the look of your photos and make them more visually appealing. Changing the light from one perspective to another can really shift the entire angle of your image.

There are a ton of different filters that you can choose from, and you can experiment with different ones until you find the ones that work best for your photos. If you are looking for ways to change the look of your photos using something in addition to filters, you can also use other tools like image adjustments.

Adjusting the image with a filter allows you to fine-tune the look of your photos. If you'd like to give a more dramatic effect to your photos, try reducing the contrast or increasing the brightness, depending on your image.

7.  Tag Other Users In Your Photos For More Exposure

Tagging other users in your photos is a great way to get more exposure on Instagram. When you tag someone, their username will appear in your photo, and people who click on that username will be taken to their profile.

When you tag someone in your photo, it's like saying, "check out this person's profile." This is a great way to get more exposure, especially if you tag someone who has a lot of followers.

When you're searching for someone to help you out, it's a good idea to think about what you can offer them. For example, if you're a business trying to reach a wider audience, you could offer to tag them in your photos or even pay them for sponsoring one of your photos.

8.  Host Photo Contests On Your Account

Hosting photo contests on your Instagram account is a great way to get more exposure. People love entering contests, and if you host a contest on your account, you will definitely get more people following you.

When you're hosting a contest, it's essential to ensure that the prize is something that people would actually want to win. For example, you could offer a free product, a gift card, or even a cash prize.

It's also essential to ensure that the contest is easy to enter. The simpler, the better. You don't want to make it so complicated that people give up before entering. To ensure minimal confusion, always include a detailed terms and conditions list with your contest.

Instagram is a great way to get more exposure for your photos. You can do several things to increase the chances that people will see your photos. In this article, we have discussed eight tips and tricks that you can use to get more exposure on Instagram. Try out some of these tips and see how they work for you.