Avoid These Bad Habits To Steer Clear From Potential Dental Problems

Someone has rightly said that a genuine smile comes straight from the heart, but a healthy smile is a product of good oral hygiene.  

According to health experts, many patients complain about encountering dental problems despite maintaining a perfect routine for oral hygiene.  

This may come as a shock to you, but you might still be vulnerable to some dental issues even if you floss or brush twice a day. This is especially true if you are engaged in one or multiple bad habits.  

Yes, that’s right. Your certain habits might undermine your good ones and end up compromising your overall dental health. That's why you should always go for regular checkups at a dentist like this cosmetic dentist in San diego

Keep reading to find out about those bad habits that are deteriorating your dental health and solutions to stop them right away.


●     Too much crunching and sipping 

Do you end up crunching the leftover ice every time you slurp down a cold beverage? If yes, then you need to stop doing that as soon a possible.  

This is because crunching on ice cubes and the freezing temperature, along with brittleness, can cause your teeth to fracture. Crunching on ice cubes might even end up causing some microscopic cracks on your enamel.  

It is also not a good idea to sip sugary drinks throughout the day, says this dentist who does orthodontics in Upper East Side NY. Research shows that people who drink too many sodas and acidic beverages are more likely to have cavities.  

So, it would be best to resist the urge to gulp down sugary drinks and crunch on those ice cubes. Even if you feel like you need to munch on or chew something, you can switch to healthier alternatives such as baby carrots.


●     Thumb-sucking with permanent teeth 

A recent survey confirmed that every 1 in 10 adults has the urge to suck their thumbs. Yes, that’s right. For many, it is a lifelong habit and they continue to do so in private. But little do they know thumb sucking can encourage gaps and misalignment in teeth.  

Not to mention, too much sucking can also lead to a number of other periodontal issues. Some of which are tooth loss and noticeable gaps between the front teeth. 

In such cases, the experts recommend their patients go for dental implants. According to the professionals at a dental implants chicago clinic, these implants act as permanent replacements for the missing teeth and help in bridging the gap between them.  

Also, if you are not able to grow out of this habit even in your adulthood, you need to address the issue with your dentist. The professionals will help you repair the damage and get rid of the habit right away.


●     Using teeth as tools 

If you often use your teeth for odd jobs, such as tearing a bag of chips or opening a beer bottle, then you should know that you are traumatizing your teeth in the process.  

Yes, you read that right. By using your teeth as tools, you are not only elevating your chances of tooth fracture but also bringing them on the verge of breakage.  

In many cases, it is not possible for a dentist to put your original tooth back in the set. This means that you might even have to undergo dental surgery to get a prosthetic tooth. 

So, it would be best not to use your teeth as tools to keep them healthy and safe.


Final words,  

If not kept in check, bad habits can end up creating a nuisance for your overall health. So, if you have any of these bad habits mentioned above, try to get rid of them as soon as possible and use the good ones to achieve good dental health.