Choosing The Right Fit For Your Little One For Pacifiers

One of the more contentious parenting issues is the use of pacifiers. If you decide to use one or not, you can find that different people will give you contradicting advice because everyone has an opinion on this tiny rubber or silicone object. The good news is that you have complete discretion over whether to use a pacifier. To ensure that you can match the clip with any dress, pacifiers from BIBS offer a large selection of fashionable Pacifier clips.

A pacifier, which is made to resemble a mother's nipple, may typically quiet a fussy baby right away. A pacifier can be your best bet for keeping them calm until their next feed if you wish to delay their night feeds.

To select the pacifier that works best for your infant, trial and error is frequently the best approach. At Dimples, we provide a variety of alternatives to help you learn more about your baby's preferences.

1. Silicone vs. Latex

Both silicone and latex pacifiers are available at Dimples. Natural rubber is used to make latex, which is particularly soft for your baby's developing mouth. Due to its lower shelf life, it is advised that this product be changed every six weeks. Pacifiers made of silicone are more durable and simpler to clean.

2. Orthodontic vs. rounded

The diversity of pacifiers available at Dimples may cause your infant to favor one shape or material over another. Both rounded and orthodontic-shaped pacifiers are available from Dimples. Babies that are breastfed frequently prefer a pacifier with a rounder nipple. Similar to when they are breastfeeding, the tongue is positioned beneath the nipple in this instance, which might assist minimize nipple confusion.

3. Frigg 

Frigg pacifiers come in two different designs: a daisy form with a scalloped edge and a traditional minimalist design. With the extensive colour selection that Frigg offers, you may pick from a number of stylish colours for your child to calm them down in style. The nipple of the Frigg pacifiers has a rounded cherry shape. There are two different sizes of Frigg pacifiers. Sizes 1 and 2 are appropriate for infants up to six months old and six to eighteen months, respectively.

4. Nuk

To make sure your child is taken care of, Nuk is there. You might discover that your infant is too little for standard size 1 silicone soothers because every child is unique at birth. For smaller infants, Nuk offers a silicone size 0 pacifier. The smaller size and form, which were created by medical professionals, will be ideal for soothing your little newborn.

5. Paddle Clips

Your soother would be excellent with pacifier clips. You'll quickly realize that throughout your child's early years, you'll go through a lot of pacifiers. The reason for this is frequently that your child conveniently dumped them, never to be seen again.


As a result, utilizing a pacifier can be extremely helpful for new parents, especially in the early going. Sucking on a pacifier might help your newborn settle down and become more relaxed.